Your Guide to a Greener Christmas

12 festive tips on how to make your Yuletide more eco-friendly — for each ‘Day of Christmas’

Tassia O'Callaghan (she/her)
Published in
9 min readNov 14, 2019


Photo of tabby cat batting a Christmas ornament on a Christmas tree
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Okay, I’ll admit it: I love Christmas.

I’m a sucker for the festive season, and it can’t start soon enough in my calendar (which is why I’m writing this article mid-November).

As soon as the first snow hits — just this morning, in fact — I get that warm fuzzy feeling inside: holidays are comin’.

However, my mission to be more eco-friendly is directly at odds with my love for all things festive.

There’s no denying that, around Christmas, we generate more waste than the rest of the year.

According to GWP Group, in the UK alone, we create 30% more rubbish in the holiday season than the rest of the year — around 3 million tonnes more.

That’s a horrific statistic, but I’m not all that surprised.

I remember happy Christmases from my childhood, with far too much food, enormous piles of discarded wrapping paper, and enough packaging to fill a room.

But those things weren’t what made me happy — spending time with my family was what made those Christmases special.



Tassia O'Callaghan (she/her)

Writer • Marketer • Advocate for equal rights and sustainable living • Feminist • Poet • Triphalangeal thumbs •