Canine Corner — ft. Boss the Great Dane

Charlie Shaw
ECO-SYSTM Coworking
4 min readJul 20, 2016

One of the best perks you’ll find while working at a coworking space with a relaxed pet policy is also an obvious one… Dogs, dogs and more dogs! We’re extremely lucky to have been graced by the company of many fantastically furry friends in these past couple of years. We’ve had pooches of all different shapes and sizes, and they’ve all made wonderful coworkers. None, however, have turned quite as many heads as Boss and his best friend Craig.

Boss is a Great Dane (emphasis on “great”) who has been a fixture in our space for many months now. Some might say he’s taken an unofficial role as the ECO-SYSTM mascot. What’s special about Boss, besides the obvious, is that his spirit is about ten times the size of his body, which you can probably imagine makes for quite the sight whenever he’s in “play mode”. In fact, he’s so well known that he’s the first dog in the space to have reached genuine internet celeb status with his own hashtag, #bossthegreatdane, now trending on Instagram!

We were lucky enough to have Boss fit us into his busy schedule of walks, naps and belly rubs to sit down with us, alongside his pal Craig, and answer a few questions about just what it is that makes him tick!

Note: Since Boss is a dog, it seems he was unfortunately limited in his ability to communicate for this interview. Luckily his best buddy Craig was able to effectively speak on his behalf.

ECO-SYSTM: So Boss, what is your favorite thing about working at ECO-SYSTM?

Boss & Craig: Boss’s favorite thing about ECO-SYSTM is the random play and pet sessions he receives throughout the day. In order to maximize the noms he gets in a working day, he makes sure to invite himself to the big meetings (the ones with the foods), by bursting through the door and makes sure everyone is finished eating. He doesn’t understand why we stare at bright square rectangles all day, so he likes to take naps wrapped up in his blanket. He is pretty passive about the other dogs in the workspace, except Hamlet, those two play like gladiators! most other dogs fail to meet his minimum height requirement to be given the light of day by the Boss.

ES: It sounds like you’re really making the best of your time here.

Tell us, what else do you like to do for fun? How does a “Boss” spend his days?

B&C: When Boss is not working, he likes to take a break from his celebrity status and get out of the concrete jungle where there are new smells and new creatures. Fort Funston and the coastline are his favorite. Laser pointer, and tug are always a good time.

ES: I think we can all agree that laser pointers are a source of endless fun!

So Boss, we have a lot of dogs who are interested in becoming future ECO-SYSTM members. Do you have any advice for these young pups?

B&C: No sleeping in my bed! (humans too). The back corner office human never stops handing out treats. Sometimes she will wake me up from a nap to give me a bully stick!

ES: Wise words from a wise canine… Thank you Boss and Craig for taking the time sit down and let us really get to the heart of what makes you ECO-SYSM’s most famous pooch. Do you have any parting thoughts for us? Maybe some fun fact about yourself!

B&C: Sure!

- Boss Is not a horse (contrary to popular belief)

- Boss and Master are both originally from a farm in Minnesota.

- Boss will turn into a cat when a laser pointer comes out.

- Boss must be tucked in with a blanket at night in order to fall asleep. If master forgets to tuck Boss in, Boss will take over the bed and spoon master.

ES: This is by far the best interview I’ve had the pleasure of conducting, thank you both so much.

B&C: Woof

Well there you have it folks, straight from the horse’s — Err, I mean dog’s mouth. This has been another addition of Canine Corner, your go-to source for doggy news right here at ECO-SYSTM Coworking, see you next time!



Charlie Shaw
ECO-SYSTM Coworking

Charlie is the Community and Events Manager of ECO-SYSTM, a creative and collaborative coworking community located in the heart of SOMA, SF.