Interview with Gabriel Ramirez — Account Coordinator at Colangelo & Partners

Madison Foss
ECO-SYSTM Coworking
2 min readSep 4, 2018

“No opportunities are bad opportunities!”,

is what Gabriel Ramirez, Account Coordinator at Colangelo & Partners, would like to highlight as his advice for life! The experienced Sales Associate was born and raised in San Diego and has been living in California his entire life. He decided to move to San Francisco because of the vast job opportunities but also because he was able to link up with his college friends again. Colangelo & Partners is a luxury, communications and PR agency in the wine & spirits industry based in New York City. Colangelo & Partners assists individual wineries and regional wine groups. “We pitch clients to media, press and trade”, states Gabe. He takes the brand and looks at what they want to target. He runs and designs events as well as participates in wine tastings. However, what you might not know is that Gabe actually wanted to become an architect when he was younger. “I like being creative and I’m also good with people. I applied it in a different way though. It all started with a normal side job and it ended up being my full time job which was totally unexpected”, reaffirms Gabe. He has his Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Communication and never thought he would be doing the job he has now. He loves it! This is why Gabe wants to stress that it is important to take any opportunity that comes your way. The best opportunities always happen to appear by coincidence!

Gabe has been working at ECO-SYSTM since September 2017. His favorite thing about coworking is that he is able to have personal space with his coworkers but also mingle with others at any time. At ECO-SYSTM he particularly enjoys Mirus Art Gallery. “I like the way that the art constantly shifts. There are also a lot of gallery openings which I am able to attend. I’m also pleased by the environment and ever-changing scenery that ECO-SYSTM has to offer.

When Gabe is not working, he is always up for a walk around the city. He likes exploring new restaurants, playing frisbee in the park or going skiing in Tahoe. What he especially likes about San Francisco is that everything is centrally located and that there is always something fun to do! On the weekends, you will most likely find Gabe eating a big bowl of Ramen or popping in to a local cafe to grab a pastry or croissant. Gabe has big ambitions to travel and visit different places around the world. His top three destinations are Australia, Croatia and Greece.

Thanks Gabe for being a wonderful asset to our community here at ECO-SYSTM! We love having you as a member in our space!

