Meet Our Members: Sydney & Sarah

Claudia Luna-Morales
ECO-SYSTM Coworking
4 min readJul 3, 2019

Meet Sydney & Sarah! They are summer interns for IGEL and they’ve given a little insight on their intern experience at a coworking space!

Tell us about your current occupation and how you got there.

Sydney: I am currently interning with the Marketing team at IGEL. I’m working mainly with Enit Nichani and Kim Nicola, but I’m getting to work with the sales team as well! I interned at a start-up in Mountain View last summer and knew that I wanted to work in Silicon Valley again, so I jumped at the opportunity to work with IGEL.

Sarah: I am currently working with the close-knit marketing team as a visual designer for IGEL. I originally heard about this internship opportunity through my father, who knew Jed, the CEO of the company. I immediately sent an email out to the company asking if I could set up a possible interview with the company, and here I am today!

How long have you been at Eco-Systm and what are your favorite things about coworking?

Sydney: I’ve only been at Eco-Systm since the beginning of June, but I am absolutely loving it! I love being able to work in a bunch of different spaces and to get to meet people from other organizations. There’s always so much going on, so it really makes me feel like I’m part of the community.

Sarah: I’ve been at Eco-Systm for about three weeks now, and it has been nothing but enjoyable. Everyone in this building is so friendly and welcoming. The coworking environment allows me to gain new insights into other people’s work life and duties. Everyone in this building just feels like a big family, and you cannot get that feel in a non-coworking space. The lounge on the second floor is definitely my favorite part of the building, as there are many different spaces to work in, and not to mention the awesome sparkling water machine.

Have you ever worked in a coworking space before? Tell us a cool memory of your co-working experience, so far.

Sydney: My last start-up was technically in a coworking space but it was not as lively and community-based as Eco-Systm is. But, I ended up talking to people that worked at the start-up across the hall from us. I was able to hang out with them out of the office too, so it was great to make some new friends. Every other Thursday, the office would play Ultimate Frisbee so I really enjoyed getting to know my co-workers outside of work.

Sarah: No, I have never worked in a coworking space, but I would definitely do this again and would recommend it to a friend.

What makes you unique? Tell us about a hobby, a passion, or talent.

Sydney: I’ve been riding horses since I was 5 years old, but I recently started riding motorcycles as well (don’t tell my mom!). Riding a motorcycle is actually kind of similar to riding a horse, so it was really easy to dive right in. It’s awesome being able to just jump right on and take off, I love how freeing it is. Another weird fun fact is that I’ve been told by a bunch of people that I look like Big Head from the TV show Silicon Valley \_(ツ)_/

Sarah: I’m really into all forms of art, including painting/ drawing, singing, playing guitar, and film photography. Art is definitely how I express myself the most, which is why the visual design sector at the marketing team at IGEL is a great fit for me!

What is something thing you hope to do or a place you hope to visit one day?

Sydney: I really want to visit Australia one day! It’s at the top of my bucket list.

Sarah: I would love to go to Japan someday, specifically Kyoto and Tokyo.

Anything you’d like to add about coworking or yourself?

Sydney: I’m really energetic and love getting to meet new people, so I’m super excited to be working in a space that lets me do just that!

Sarah: In regards to coworking, I think it is beneficial in many ways. It teaches us how to interact with different people from different backgrounds, and allows us to learn what it means to share a space with others. I love how “home-y” the vibe is here, and how everyone seems to be doing their own thing, yet we are still connected at the same time.

We love getting to know our members and appreciate how special they make our coworking office! Thanks, Sydney & Sarah, we hope your Eco-Systm experience keeps bringing you great memories!
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