Partying with BottlesTonight and John Rushworth

Charlie Shaw
ECO-SYSTM Coworking
2 min readOct 3, 2016

With our coworking space sitting directly on top of the hottest nightclub in SF, it’s only natural that we would make a great home for innovators of the nightlife and entertainment industry. That’s why we were extremely happy to welcome in the awesome guys from BottlesTonight, an app which allows users to to quickly purchase tickets and book tables at venues around the city with just the touch of a button! The mastermind behind this service is ECO-SYSTM member, John Rushworth, who for years now has been working his way up the nightlife scene.

John serves as the founder and CEO of BottlesTonight, and while he’s now a seasoned entrepreneur, his interest in the fast paced world of business didn’t happen over night. Even at the tender age of six , John was devoted to inventing new products and starting successful “companies”. But it was in college that John really found his footing and discovered where his interests coupled with his zest for business and innovation could eventually take him.

“I would organize groups of friends to travel from Arizona to Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Often, these were party fueled weekends at clubs and I was the planner. I was the planner, because, I had the contacts to get us in these clubs and at the bottle service tables. After these weekends, my friends would come back to me, asking me for more. I quickly came to realize, that nightclubs relied heavily on negotiation and old ways of doing business.”

John found that the traditionally personal aspect of the hospitality industry was still essential, but that the business management end in many way was broken. It was this realization that lead John and his team to begin developing BottlesTonight. They have been a part of our coworking community for about 4 months now and it’s been a pleasure seeing them continue to grow and make new connections. John tells us that his favorite aspect of coworking is all the focused energy the space, keeping both his creative and competitive sides energized. Well, to the whole BottlesTonight team we wish you the best of luck in keeping the party going!



Charlie Shaw
ECO-SYSTM Coworking

Charlie is the Community and Events Manager of ECO-SYSTM, a creative and collaborative coworking community located in the heart of SOMA, SF.