Hannah Baldwin
Eco-Theology #2
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2016


I’ll be Your Middle Spirit

I took this picture almost three years ago in the Swiss Alps near Lausanne. This was a very in between time for me, I was supposed to be going to graduate school back in Tennessee and- well here I am in Seattle a year later than planned because of so many reasons.

As I think about all the other writing for this blog, for the blogs that I’ve followed, and really even the points that were made in the group discussion last week, I am massively intimidated. I do not consider myself a writer (as you can probably tell by the comma lack or surplus in this post), and really I wouldn’t consider myself somebody who knows, can or even really should talk about African American Liberation theology or Feminist theology at all. . . I chose to write my research paper on Calvin.

All that to say, I’m still here. And I was still there at the discussion last week where I was in awe, yet again, listening to my peers discuss the deep impact of their research, and wishing to know more of their minds.

While I was supposed to finish this before class, during class Chelle said, “Sometimes the more and more you read, the more complicated the answer becomes.” I think we all felt something of that as we both discussed and read. The more awareness we gained the more complicated and possibly unattainable the solution becomes.

And this goes back to what I said during our discussion in class, something that I hold fast to; hope is not some blind ignorant optimism. Hope carries us from Holy Saturday, to the Resurrection, and then back to Holy Saturday on behalf of others. And I think it’s possible thats not a statement everybody can get on board with- but I think this Middle Spirit and I think that hope go together as we learn that hope doesn’t equate happiness but maybe action and voice.

