Rosemary and Dirt

lara long
Eco Theology
Published in
1 min readApr 5, 2016

For our Trauma Symposium on April 5th, we will bring rosemary. Rosemary has been considered helpful for memory for many years in traditional healing and it was great to find some research to support it!

“The god of dirt
came up to me many times and said
so many wise and delectable things,
I lay
on the grass listening
to his dog voice,
frog voice; now,
he said, and now,
and never once mentioned forever

from, One or Two Things”

Mary Oliver, Dream Work

“If you don’t plow the earth, it’s going to get so hard nothing grows in it. You just plow the earth of yourself. You just get moving. And even don’t ask exactly what’s going to happen. You allow yourself to move around, and then you will see the benefit.” — Rumi



lara long
Eco Theology

internet marketing / consultant + counseling therapist