We need better data to make better environmental decisions

Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2018

An IPCC Special Report on Global Warming (published on 8th October 2018) contains a list of actions that individuals can take, and adds that the world can’t meet its target without the involvement of individuals and their actions. Co-Chair of the IPCC, Dr Debra Roberts, said that lifestyle changes can make a big difference and that this is a “very empowering message for individuals” and that “everyone is going to have to be involved”.

In reality we all want to do our bit towards reducing our impact, but we also want to live our best lives and want to make certain lifestyle choices that aren’t exactly “planet-friendly” (like fly overseas or fill our car). So how can we do this? Where can we get the information we need to make informed choices? Where can we take positive actions towards balancing those carbon emissions we are responsible for? And how can we make it relevant to our everyday lives?

The Internet Of Carbon? We’re building it (thanks blockchain)

We are reinventing what it means to be “green” by making it simple, accessible to take environmental responsibility in the day-to-day. We are all about throwing away (recycling!) the rule book, challenging the status quo, breaking with tradition… however you want to put it, we are revolutionary. We are doing for the environment what the internet did for information sharing and what social media did for connecting people — using technology to bring the outside world closer to you in a meaningful way, and this time it’s for the future of the planet. We are about small gestures achieving big things; turning individual actions into a collective power to make the biggest impact possible.

We’re taking the latest advances in blockchain & DLT, smart contracts, AI, Machine Learning and app development and combining them with an innovative environmental metric that will make carbon impact information as readily available as nutritional information on your favourite ready-meal.

We’ve launched a pre-sale (on now) with a public sale that starts on October 22nd.

I hope the video will go some way in explaining how we want to address the major carbon emissions issue we face today. Environmental issues can feel overwhelming — we reckon we have to do the best we can with what’s in front of us, one lifestyle choice at a time. We hope you enjoy the video. Please get in touch on Twitter (or the social media channel of your choice) or through our website with any questions — we aim to be transparent in all our communication and are passionate about this project.

So that’s us. Welcome to our world.



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Building the Internet of Carbon to make balancing carbon impacts simply accessible for everyone. Enabled by blockchain. Powered by rainforest. App coming soon.