Sauber Bank increased its capital by 285 million rubles

Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2018 announcement

Sauber Bank, the core bank of the financial platform increased its capital by 285 million rubles.

The Bank of Russia registered additional issues of shares of Sauber Bank for a total amount of 285 million rubles. Thus, the bank’s own capital has been increased to 1 billion rubles.

“The increase in the bank’s capital is related to the need to preserve the status of the bank with a universal license,” comments CEO Sauber Bank and CEO Alexei Smolianov. “The planned maintenance was preceded by a large and labor-intensive work, including tight interaction with employees of the Bank of Russia. As a result, an increase in capital will provide the bank with an opportunity for active development in the long term.”

Since 2015, Sauber Bank has demonstrated a steady growth in its client base and retail loan portfolio.

Chairman of the Board Alexander Abakumov: “The strategy for the Bank’s development until 2020, there is a significant growth in the retail and corporate loan portfolio, an increase in the number of structural units by 2.5 times due to the opening in St. Petersburg, Moscow, and other cities. human. At the moment, the bank has a good team of professionals, the result of which is the growth of key financial indicators. The growth of capital allows us to achieve the set goals and objectives, as well as meet the demand for financial products and services of our customers. “




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