Effective follow-ups to convert abandoned cart customers

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5 min readJan 4, 2021

If you own an e-commerce business, you are definitely well acquainted with abandoned carts and the distress that they cause. A staggering 69.23 percent of e-commerce shoppers abandon their carts. However, a large percentage of abandoned carts have a high probability of getting converted into a complete transaction. Below are some of the tried-and-tested ways to convert your abandoned carts.

Reach out through AdWords

Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is a super effective way to reach people who have visited your site and browsed through your products. AdWords remarketing helps you to provide potential customers with a suitable message across the Google Display and Google Search platforms.

The strategy uses collected data to specifically target abandoned cart customers or anyone who has visited a s page that you have added the remarketing pixel to. Once the pixel is added to a webpage, the AdWords platform will put a cookie in the target users’ web browser. So,It will allow you to show them ads once they leave your site.

Facebook remarketing

Facebook remarketing is very similar to AdWords remarketing and can be used either in conjunction with or as an alternative to the AdWords platform. The biggest difference between the two is determining where your target audience lies. If your target demographic is primarily Facebook users then the Facebook marketing platform is the one you should go for.

It all depends on your specific requirements.

For some businesses, reaching out to abandoned cart customers through Facebook ads is easier and less complex than using an AdWords account. Facebook remarketing is a great way to market your products. In some cases, it is the best option for remarketing to your audience.

Old-school direct mail

In the age of mass digitization, companies often forget about the older techniques that have been around for many decades. Such techniques are often overlooked. One such technique of marketing is through direct mail.

According to CPC Strategy, direct mail is the second-largest ad-spend next to television marketing. It has the highest response rate across any form of purchasable media. Around 73% of all consumers say that direct mail is their preferred media for advertising. Moreover, 70% of Americans believe direct mail is a rather effective and personal form of advertising than various other types of internet advertising such as email and social ads.

With such statistics, it is hard to argue that direct mail isn’t a viable marketing strategy for your e-commerce store.

Personal email outreach

It’s no longer news that people are inundated with emails daily. Hence, they skip over the generic, mass e-mails that many companies keep sending even today. However, research has shown that open rates improve when consumers see that the email has come from a real person. Over and above that, there is an even greater chance that your email will be read if an actual individual is sending the email rather than it being auto-sent from your CRM. This tactic works for a variety of reasons:

  • Your potential buyers will feel extra special since you personally approached them.
  • You will instill trust in your buyers, who now know that they are engaging with a company with real people operating it.
  • You are standing out from the competition. Can you think of the last time you received a personal email from a company, huh?
  • You can include a direct link to the products the shopper had in his/her cart. It will only make the customer take the next step towards completing the purchase.
  • You can directly connect with potential buyers and resolve any issues they may have with respect to your site.

The strategy isn’t automated. However, it allows you to make yourself a template that can be customized from person to person. It will help you to convert more leads, as well.

Personal phone calls

The tactic is one of the most effective ways to convert customers who previously abandoned their cart. However, it is suitable for those e-commerce businesses that have sufficient financial capital. Making personal calls does call for human resources and time, much more than any other strategy in this article.

At this juncture, potential buyers are expected to provide their phone number while making an account on the site.

Although it may not seem realistic to hire someone especially assigned for sitting by the phone and making calls all day, it is possible to browse through all of the abandoned carts and call the most important customers, by preparing a priority list.

Now, you may be thinking — “but nobody picks up the phone anymore.” Let me tell you, according to advertising and marketing advisory firm BIA/Kelsey, phone calls to businesses are expected to exceed 169 billion per year by the year 2020. Personal calls are 10–15 times more likely to generate a successful sale or follow-up activity than most digital form submissions. So, it means they are way more efficient in generating revenue.

A personal phone call may be the little push a potential buyer needs to go in for that big purchase from you. There are multiple reasons why phone calls work. For example, a 1,000 people who had abandoned an online purchase were surveyed. They were asked the reason why they left, nearly half of the responses were due to issues with the shopping website. Can you Imagine, sometimes all it takes to complete a purchase is a phone call and a little assistance while placing an order?

Offer an incentive

For this, you need to evaluate your current pricing strategy and analyze the breaking points where you will still be earning or coming close to your profit margin. You then need to work out an incentive program. There are several types of incentives you can offer: a dollar amounts off, buy 3 get 1 free, a rewards coupon for buying X amount of product, and so on. My personal favorite and the one that works best is offering free shipping.

QuickReply.ai helps you offering personalized incentives on chat with their AI technology.

An e-commerce owner revealed that the free-shipping strategy had a heightened conversion rate by 50%. That is not a small increment.

Abandoned carts may be an inevitable part of your e-commerce business. However, you need to try and see which tactics work best for converting abandoned carts to loyal customers in your business domain.

So, which cart abandonment tactics work best for you?




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