11 Signs Your Body Needs More Magnesium

Jodie Smith
1 min readJul 12, 2018


Podcast Introduction

Magnesium is a mineral found in many types of foods, it plays an essential role in human DNA production, repair and in maintaining healthy bones, nerves and muscles.

Though it is readily available, most Americans do not meet their need for magnesium through their diet.
You should consider getting your magnesium level checked if you suffer the following 11 symptoms.

Read the 11 Symptoms here: https://jodezehomeandgarden.com/11-signs-your-body-needs-more-magnesium/

Jodie Smith

Originally published at @jodezehomeandgarden.com.



Jodie Smith

Hi, my name is Jodie and I am here to share my health recipes, dinner recipes, diy projects a little bit of gardening ideas and health and wellness