Bitget Exchange CandyBomb Trading Promotion (OMI)
ECOMI is excited to announce that OMI- the exclusive utility token of the VeVe digital collectibles app, is now listed on Bitget Exchange. Deposits and trading are now open.
Earn Your Share of OMI Tokens Prizes!
To celebrate this listing, Bitget is offering a promotion for users to receive bonus OMI tokens! ⭕️
CandyBomb Trading Promotion: $35,000 in OMI
CandyBomb is a candy airdrop platform recently launched by Bitget. Users who complete tasks and earn tickets will receive OMI token airdrops.
The CandyBomb promotion will be available for one week, from March 20–27, 2024.
In order to participate, you must have a KYC registered account on the exchange, and then you must join the CandyBomb promotion using this link:
In the ECOMI x Bitget CandyBomb promotion, tickets will be earned through spot trading volume and/or net deposits, and there are two prize pools up for grabs:
OMI Spot Trading Pool: $27,000 in OMI
Users can earn tickets by reaching a minimum of 100 USDT worth of OMI spot trading volume. The larger the trading volume, the more tickets users will get. Each user can get up to 3 tickets, and they can see their estimated number of tickets earned through the CandyBomb registration page.
Net Deposit Trading Pool: $8,000 in OMI
Users can also get CandyBomb tickets by reaching a minimum deposit volume of 30 USDT in any token during the promotion. The larger the deposit volume, the more tickets users will get. Each user can get up to 4 tickets.
Users can see their estimated number of tickets received in the Net Deposit Pool through the CandyBomb page. As a reminder, to qualify for tickets, you must register for the CandyBomb promotion for your deposits.
- The CandyBomb promotion is open for seven days, from March 20–27, 2024
- To qualify for CandyBomb Tickets/Spot trading rewards, users must register for the CandyBomb promotion and trade or purchase OMI tokens on the Bitget exchange between March 20 and March 27 at 09:00 (UTC)
- The higher the trade or purchase volume, the more tickets earned.
- Qualification for tickets and OMI token rewards will be determined and distributed by Bitget.
For more information on registration, terms and conditions, please see the OMI CandyBomb announcement, available here.
How to Create a Bitget Account
- Register for an account using this link.
- Enter your details, and verify the account using the code sent to your registered email.
- We strongly suggest activating additional security features like two-factor authentication
- Once registered, you can verify your account through the profile settings page.
- Complete the KYC verification to ensure your account is registered and verified
- Deposit OMI into your account within the promotional period listed above to participate in the CandyBomb promotion.
Qualification and rewards distribution will be handled solely by Bitget Exchange. For more information about each promotion, please join the Bitget Telegram group to speak with their team, or join the ECOMI Fam on Discord 👾
Don’t forget! Follow us on socials to join our future campaigns and promotions!
Information on this channel is for educational purposes only. It should not be considered financial advice; all users are advised to do their own research. See Disclaimer.
ECOMI is the issuer of the OMI token. The OMI token is intended for use in the VeVe digital collectibles ecosystem. With over 10 million digital collectible NFTs sold since the beginning of 2021 and a range of international brands, artists, and IP partners releasing content through the platform, VeVe is the world’s leading digital collectible platform.
The OMI token is intended to amplify the collecting experience and, when available, will provide VeVe collectors with a range of unique ways to build and expand their digital collections.
For more information on the utility features available and being worked on, please visit, follow our socials for the most recent updates, and subscribe to the blog to get updates delivered to your inbox. 📩