Ecomm Challenge Day 12 - Social Media

Ecomm Challenge
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2017

I start the day with pretty much nothing. I have a handful of fans from Instagram outreach, and only myself on Facebook:

I’ve already decided that I am predominantly going to use Instagram and Facebook for this phase of the challenge. Instagram mainly for outreach and building a community and Facebook for all out scale and paid media.

Facebook & Instagram Process

  1. Promote this content for engagement on FB and Instagram. When people engage, I will then politely invite them to follow or like my page. I will be targeting similar pages or accounts that have the same subject matter and ethos.
  2. Once I get a little traction with this I will then start promoting my page/account to and audience that I know engages with the content.
  3. Once I have built a small audience of followers I will promote all the content I produce to them. Then to my previous engagers, and finally to a small lookalike audience of my followers
  4. After a week, I will then start testing content that sits on my site. I will use paid again to these audiences to test which combination of image and headline is right and then finally post organically to the network. I then go back to stage one.

To start doing this I had to think about what data and audiences I have access to. I then set up custom audiences within Facebook to target them. I set up both existing audiences and new audiences that will be generated in the future.

Once I have created them I then roll them up in the ad platform and split test them to see which audiences perform best.

In terms of ad creative I haven’t got much to work with, but I have got one friend that has come good with a video about a Biolite camping stove. I can use this to engage a camping audience and hopefully convert them to fans:

I start a campaign to try and reach users that might be interested and then feed these users into an audience to convert into a fan once they have engaged with other content from the page.

I set up the secondary campaign utilising the imagery I have sourced for the website. I can use these images to try and gain new fans.

I also add the video into this campaign in case I can drive direct fans from the video asset.


At the time of writing this is the profile of the audience that is engaging:




More outreach that’s all I can say. I’ve tried sending DMs to all the bottle brands with no response. I’m going to replicate my approach via email tomorrow. I need to return to doing rather than writing.

The website is now live! So go check it out!

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Ecomm Challenge

A media consultant at a global company, but toying with more practical marketing ideas.