No Store Blog? Why Not?! 6 Awesome Store Blogs That Will Make You Want One Now

eCommerce Essentials
6 min readOct 31, 2014

Having a blog for your eCommerce store can be one of the most valuable marketing strategies you do. It improves search ranking, establishes your store as a center for knowledge, attracts customers and so, so much more.

Creating and building a blog can be a difficult and arduous task but it does pay off. Today we are going to be showing you some of the best blogs created by eCommerce stores and discussing what you can learn from them.


Jeni’s is an online ice-cream store that has some serious personality. Founded by Jeni Britton Bauer, this artisan ice-cream store has added blogging to its numerous marketing endeavours. They post regularly to their blog about their products, the company and also what interests the brand.

One of their most captivating posts is a weekly chit-chat called 5 Friday Scoops where they discuss and share stories, videos and information that they want to share to their readers from around the web. It’s a fun way for the brand to connect with customers and develops their personality further of being a quirky brand that makes amazing ice cream and knows how to have fun.

Shop Frankie’s

Shop Frankie’s is a store that knows the value of a blog. In fact their blog came before the store! This lead to blogging being a central part of the brands marketing. The blog and store which is founded by Nicole Levine, aims to give women who are style conscious a place to go.

The blog entitled “Frankie Heart’s Fashion” provides a great place for fashion fans to get info on the latest fashion and beauty trends, see how to style what the brand is offering and basically fill their fashion fix. The blogs pictures beautifully display the stores products and makes readers want to shop and buy what’s blogged about.

Raw Blend

Your store’s blog is a chance to not only sell your products but sell a lifestyle. One store that has truly identified this is Raw Blend. This store sells everything a health fanatic would want when embracing the raw food lifestyle. From blenders to cook books, they cater towards a customer looking for an expert in healthy living.

The brand takes their customers longing for information about living a healthy lifestyle and applies their own expertise within their blog. They prove healthy recipes, health information about different products and advice on how to live a healthy life. It gets customers coming back and promotes not just their products, but a lifestyle.

Also Read: 5 Reasons Why Your Store Should Have a Blog


If you have potential customers that share your passion for what you sell, blogging is an amazing way to connect with them. Koromiko is a home wares store that has a keen focus on style and craftsmanship. To reach out to customers who also have this interest they have a beautiful blog that reflects their store’s stylish ways.

They post about how their products are made, art and crafts that they like and are inspired by, as well as interest stories about where their products originated from. The blog’s content is attractively laid out in a simplistic form and the images take centre stage to really sell the brand. It’s a real enticement to shop the brand.

Raven and Lily

Often eCommerce stores that want to spread a message turn to blogging. One store that is using blogging to get their store’s message out there is Raven and Lily. This clothing and jewellery brand are trying to empower women and give them a stable and sustainable income and they usw their blog as a method to engage with customers.

Their blog is a perfect mix of style and substance. They talk about companies that are inspiring them, show off their collections and their style inspirations while also delving a little deeper. Posts include discussing ethical fashion, women’s rights and a look into the lives of women around the world. It works by connecting people to the brand and gets their message of conscious shopping across with aplomb.

Meow Meow Tweet

Brooklyn based skincare brand Meow Meow Tweet are an eCommerce store trying to spread the word about their products. Described as “vegan, pure and crafted by hand”, this brand aims to help people get the best natural skincare products.

To nurture and educate their audience they blog about skincare and healthy living. They post about products in their collection, the benefits for each, health benefits for different foods and how to use their products. It’s very informative, beautifully laid out and brings people to the store who have an interest in natural products. They have set themselves up as a voice for natural skincare and customers love it.

Your Store’s Blog

Now that you’ve seen these 6 awesome eCommerce store blogs, why not take inspiration and start your own? Blogging can be a really effective way to reach customers and get traffic to your store.

Here is a checklist of what you should do to set up your blog:

  • Investigate where you are going host your blog — Most platforms have a built-in blogging engine which makes it so easy for you!
  • Make a list of what you could blog about — Think about what your customers are interested in and would like to read and make a list of potential topics you could blog about.
  • Have a schedule — Plan out when you will blog and keep to that schedule. If it’s every day or once a week stick to this schedule and readers will start flocking to your blog.
  • Keep it up! — Don’t blog once or twice and then drop it. Blogs take time to build momentum so keep going and it will eventually pay off.

Do you have a blog for your store? Or think another brand blogs well? Let us know what you think!

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