Shopify Spotlight: 6 of the Best Shopify Apps you Need to Install Today

If you aren’t using them, your competitors probably are!

eCommerce Essentials


As an eCommerce merchant you have a lot on your plate. Sourcing new products, dealing with customers, finding those customers in the first place, shipping and inventory, suppliers, payments, taxes, and the list goes on and on. Many eCommerce stores are increasingly finding it difficult to cover all bases needed to ruin a successful business. Luckily, if you are on Shopify, there is a vibrant app ecosystem geared at helping you succeed. Many interesting, innovative and practical apps have been developed to help eCommerce stores be more productive, improve your bottom line and increase sales. But with so many out there how do you find the right apps that will help your business? We’ve rounded up six of the best apps out there aimed at making eCommerce simpler & more profitable for you.


Customer service can be expensive, tricky and time consuming to develop and maintain. Robin is the perfect app to help synchronise and simplify your eCommerce stores customer service so that communication with customers is easy, fluid and stress free.

How does Robin Work?

Robin has a number of features that help enable efficient customer service and make it an all-in-one solution.

Robin offers a contact tab that when used opens a contact form, perfect for when customers want to talk.

Robin also offers help in facilitating the process of email and live chat so that both tools can be accessed at all times in the one place. Both the business and customers can access and switch between both easily.

eCommerce stores can also enjoy more productive customer service reps as this app can check the team member’s workloads, assign specific customer queries to the most appropriate team members and recommend answers to customers based on previous questions.

So Why Use Robin?

The importance of competent, accessible and effective customer service can have a major impact on customer satisfaction, word of mouth and sales. Robin helps to dissolve any issues that may result in problems with an eCommerce stores customer service. Here are some reasons to consider it:

45% of customers will abandon their online order if their concerns and questions are not answered quickly.

55% of Consumers would pay more for a better service experience

89% of consumers have stopped doing business with a company after experiencing poor customer service.

A 10% increase in customer retention levels result in a 30% increase in the value of the company

To learn more on how to achieve successful customer service, check out our previous post “3 ways you can improve customer service to delight shoppers”


With the numerous devices that customers are using to shop, find information and connect, many eCommerce stores find it difficult to develop and sustain so many platforms. However, it is imperative that businesses have up to date, attractive and user friendly sites on mobiles devices. ShopPad is an app that makes high quality websites compatible with tablets and phones so that you are always optimised and usable for your customers.

How does ShopPad Work?

Shop Pad gives eCommerce stores the ability to:

Easy make a website compatible with mobile and tablet devices without needing to use code

Unlike an individual app, Shop Pad websites are compatible with all devices

All images and text are made more effective and visually pleasing so customers can browse, shop and get valuable information about your business while matching it your existing site

Why use ShopPad?

Many eCommerce stores have ignored mobile devices as a platform as they believe that they are irrelevant. However, with the growing number of mobile users, it could be harmful for your online store to ignore this trend. Here are a few reasons to use Shop Pad:

72% of mobile users say it’s important to them that websites are mobile friendly, yet 96% have visited a site that doesn’t work well on their device

40% of mobile users use mobile internet regularly

Customers who visit a website that is not mobile or tablet compatible are be more likely to switch to a competitor

67% of customers say a mobile friendly site makes them more likely to buy a product

61% of customers said they would leave a site if it is not mobile compatible


Word of mouth and social recommendations are a powerful force in business and for online businesses ease of access means it has never been so important. Yotpo is an app that harnesses the power of what customers are saying in order to add value to your eCommerce store and to the customer.

How does Yotpo work?

Yotpo works by setting up a product review section on your website, presenting it in an attractive way and encourages customers to contribute feedback. The app emails customers encouraging them to review your eCommerce store, encourages customers to revisit the site and gives future customers insight into what your business does right.

Why use Yotpo?

Reviews and feedback have become an essential part of online shopping. They help overcome trust and intangibility issues for customers and add value and extra incentive to buy. Without them merchants would lose out on some valuable sales. Here are some reasons why this app is great:

Up to 63% of customers said they were more likely to purchase from a site which featured user reviews

Sales increase by an average of at least 18% on reviewed products

Customers are 12 times more likely to trust reviews by other consumers compared to ones from manufacturers

70% of internet users compared prices or read reviews before purchasing

According to Google, stores with at least 3+ star reviews enjoyed about 87% of clicks.

Stitch Labs

Managing an eCommerce business is one of the most complicated things you will ever embark on. Inventory management is a vital function, yet a daunting one. Especially when you are trading on multiple platforms. Stitch Labs simplify the whole process for you.

How does Stitch Labs work?

It creates comprehensive reports and provides you with an analytics dashboard that empowers you to make better business decisions. With dozens of easy-to-read reports, you will always know which products and channels are performing best. To quote them “It’s like having your own research team, minus the lab coats.”

Why use Stitch Labs?

It helps you make smarter business decisions, expand your online presence, identify valuable customers, track orders and saves you a lot of time managing inventory.

45-90% of all business expenses are as a result of inventory costs

Optimising supply levels can lead to an increase in profits. For example stocking sizes in the traditional 1-2-2-1 ratio on average means you lose 11% of all sales due to stock issues.

Did you know abbreviating sales labels (s, m, l, xl) generates up to 38% more revenue than spelling out sizes on product labels?

15% of all customers fail to complete a purchase due to items being out of stock.


Increasingly email has become a more competitive and fruitless marketing tactic that many businesses fail to use correctly. However, it is not a promotional tool that is to be thrown aside and with Klaviyo, an app that helps send more targeted and personalised emails; email marketing can become a highly skilled and relevant method of reaching out to customers.

How does Klaviyo work?

Klaviyo integrate with your eCommerce platform to create highly targeted and custom made emails that are relevant and enticing to customers encouraging them, amongst other things, to return to your store. The app allows you to easily maintain, create and update email and newsletter lists, segment your customers and create profiles of those customers so that reaching them is more successful. As well as giving you valuable analytics, reports and insights; this app offers a lot of advantages when considering email marketing.

Why use Klaviyo?

Email marketing is as important as ever but is often badly done, incorrectly used and eventually a turn off for customers. However, if done correctly it can bring new customers and repeat customers to your website. Here are some reasons why good email marketing is so important:

91% of customers check their emails daily

Email marketing is the third largest lead generation, producing at least 13% of leads in 2013

39% of marketers who segmented their email lists experienced higher open rates 28% experienced lower unsubscribe rates, and 24% experienced better deliverability and greater revenue

A Direct marketing Association study declared that return on investment for email of $57.25 for every dollar spent.


We wouldn’t be doing ourselves justice if we didn’t include ourselves in this list. With Facebook being the social media giant that every online store wants to use to their advantage, it is difficult for a store alone to utilise the platform to its full marketing potential. This is where PropelAd comes in. This app helps businesses flourish on Facebook using a little bit of marketing savvy.

How does PropelAd work?

PropelAd helps non expert advertisers achieve expert advertising results. It enables you to create product level adverts and helps you reach the right person at the right time with the right product. Some of the apps features include:

Create on-demand product adverts in a matter of seconds.

Find new potential customers for your eCommerce store on Facebook by making your ads highly targeted. PropelAd looks at your recent visitors and uses them to build a profile of the most likely person to purchase from you on Facebook.

Retarget recent visitors with hyper-targeted product adverts that help close the sale and increase your customer lifetime value.

It makes your advertising totally transparent as stores can monitor the success rates of each advertising campaign from click to checkout.

Why use PropelAd?

Many online stores know that Facebook is a valuable tool but fail to harness its full potential. Once you start using all of the functionality available to you it becomes an invaluable platform for your business to grow. Here are some reasons why targeted Facebook advertising is essential in modern eCommerce:

With 1.2 Billion active users, your customers ARE on Facebook.

Return on investment for retail Facebook advertisers is on average 152%

70% of stores have acquired new customers through Facebook

Facebook captures 14.6% of Internet users’ time compared to a combined 2% for all other social networking sites

Advertising to the correct target market is more cost effective, saves times and increases sales for eCommerce stores as no spend is wasted reaching out the wrong customer

Does your eCommerce store use any of these apps? Or do you have suggestions for other apps that help online stores?



eCommerce Essentials

PropelAd is an advertising tool that helps Online Stores grow. We share eCommerce focused articles & tips. Check out our eCommerce Marketing Blog