Automate Your Marketing and Sales Workflow with Messenger

Samantha Lee
ECommerce Marketing Blog
5 min readFeb 28, 2018

When it comes to running your own small business, capital is often a crucial yet limited resource. But so are your time and mental energy.

Managing an e-commerce store comes with an array of responsibilities — selecting the right products to sell, driving targeted traffic to your store, keeping a close watch on inventory level and replying to every single customer queries.

There are only so many hours in a day. How can you possibly manage it all as a one-man show without burning out?!

Now, before you start waving the white flag, there is good news. A new and effective form of marketing is on the rise and it is the solution to take a big chunk off your load. The name is Messenger Marketing.

If you haven’t heard of Messenger Marketing, you can find out more in this article here.

Messenger Marketing gives you the opportunity to put your marketing workflow on autopilot and frees you up to focus on the other important aspects of your e-commerce business.

This article will touch on the different automated marketing campaigns you can run on Messenger.

  • Welcome widget
  • Abandoned cart reminders
  • Back-in-stock notification
  • Delivery updates
  • Customer segmentation

Welcome Widget

Are you more likely to buy from a store where the salesgirl shoots you an unbothered glimpse while chewing gums and buffing nails, or one where you are greeted with a warm and sincere “Welcome”? Pretty sure it’s the latter.

Greeting your customers not only makes a good first impression but can also increase their spending by an average of 67%.

You want your customers to feel welcome and know that you are available if they require assistance.

The same concept should be applied to your e-commerce store. While it is technically not possible to station a staff at the entrance, you can still deploy a Welcome chatbot on your landing page. Setup your chatbot to send out a welcome greeting when a customer lands on your page.

Abandoned Cart Reminders

Businesses that do not retarget abandoned carts are leaving money on the table. Not good.

Almost a whopping 70% of shopping baskets will never ever make it to checkout.

That is 7 out of 10 customers who have shown purchase intent, but later just leave and never come back.

Abandoned carts occur for various reasons. It could be that customers were doing comparison shopping, cost of shipping is too high, or they simply were not ready to order.

Instead of letting potential sales slip through your fingers, retarget these customers at a later time when they are ready to make a purchase. Send them personalised reminders on Messenger to let them know you have saved their cart and they can proceed to checkout right away. To achieve better conversion, include a discount code along with tailored recommendations for other products they might like.

Automated reminder that are sent to customers who abandoned their shopping carts.

Activate your Abandoned Cart campaign here.

Back-in-Stock Notifications

Having demand is good, but not having the inventory to meet the demand is a catastrophe.

No e-commerce owner wants a stockout, but it happens. Gauging demand for products is not always easy. Most small e-commerce businesses do not have the capital to invest in state-of-the-art inventory management software.

However, that is not to say that you should just submit yourself to the situation. This is one time where Que Sera, Sera does not apply!

Driving customers to your web store is already a lot of work. Don’t let them slip away so easily! Instead make use of this opportunity to have them subscribe to your chatbot for back-in-stock notification. At the same time, suggest similar items that they might like.

Provide customers the option to get notified through Messenger when item is back in stock.

Delivery Updates

There has always been a lingering fear of parcels getting lost in transit when it comes to online shopping. Online shoppers fear not receiving their products after all is paid for. This negative experience may lead them to think they have been scammed. Worse still, boycott your store.

While tracking details are usually provided, it is troublesome to constantly go on the tracking website to find out the latest delivery status. Do your customers a favour and save them the hassle. Set delivery notifications to be proactively sent out via Messenger.

They will thank you for that.

Customers can receive updates on their parcel deliveries through Messenger.

Customise your Delivery Updates under the Parcel Tracking menu. For more help on this feature, you can also check out this link here.

Customer Segmentation

Say you are selling personal care products. Would you promote your sanitary napkins to a male customer? Talk about marketing faux pas!

This is why customer segmentation should be an integral part of your marketing strategy. No two customers are the same, and you should tailor your messages based on customer’s characteristics.

Through customers’ interaction with your Messenger chatbot, you are able to tag them with different attributes which you can use to do customer segmentation.

This makes it easier for you to retarget them later with appealing content. All these can be done automatically, saving you a lot of time.

Check out how Your Super created a simple survey to understand their customers better. At the end of the survey, customers receive suggestion of a product that would best fit them.

You can set up your own campaign under Lead Gen Campaign.

Feel like a huge load lifted off your back yet? There are so many aspects of your complex and heavy marketing workload that can be left to automation without compromising on the results. No reasons to bury your head in defeat anymore.

Messenger Marketing is still in its early stages and there so much potential to be uncovered. Start leveraging on the benefits of this powerful medium and see what works (and what not) for your e-commerce business.

Sign up for chatchamp’s 14-day FREE trial and start putting your marketing workflow on autopilot.



Samantha Lee
ECommerce Marketing Blog

Girl from the Lion City. Interested in all things social.