Find top online stores, by vertical, popularity and other features

eCommerce, Online Stores Analysis
4 min readMar 8, 2023

We collected data on 1+ million online stores, categorized them with ML classifier with 1360 categories (using their products as input) and made them available on our AI platform

Every business owner wants to know what their competitors are doing.

On our platform, we provide several ways to analyze competitors and see which stores are making waves in given category/vertical.

One way to search for stores is by selecting specific category. Another is search by keyword.

To find out all stores e.g. in subcategory “Baby Health” you select the appropriate subcategory from the dropdown menu and obtain results in table, as shown below.

For this subcategory more than 250 stores are found:

Alternatively, you can also search for stores by keyword.

For example, if you are interested in the stores that sell “skateboard” products, you can search for “skateboard” keyword and obtain 900 stores:

For each store in our database, we provide users with more than 20 metrics:

  • Country
  • Category 1
  • Category 2
  • Domain age (years)
  • OpenPageRank
  • Technologies used (out of 4000+ technologies that we check)
  • Language
  • Number of products sold
  • Tranco Rank
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Youtube
  • Linkedin
  • Recommended Tech

They allow one to gain unique and valuable insights.

We have found that one way to find really interesting stores is to look for those that are young and have high open page rank. We can do this analysis because we determined domain age for each domain, and OpenPageRank.

For latter we use Domcop as the source, you can learn more about their methodology here:

The subset of domains that have high open page rank and young domain often includes stores which have products that are very popular/viral resulting in acquiring backlinks at a higher pace than others.

You get these domains in our dashboard by setting maximum domain age to e.g. 5 years and then ordering by open page rank. Here are results for stores that sell “skateboard” products:

The first result is domain, by clicking on + sign, we get more information about this domain:

Checking out the top domains in this group shows that they are all offering some truly interesting and innovative electric skateboards, and making waves in their field.

This is something that we have found again and again, that some of the most interesting stores in any vertical are often the ones that have young domain age and have high open page rank.

The analysis of stores however does not stop there, there are 20 other metrics to use to find interesting stores and new ideas.

Find high ticket eCommerce product ideas

Another way to use our stores is as a finder of high ticket eCommerce product ideas.

Let us say that you are in vertical of Animals & Pet Supplies and you are looking for new high ticket eCom ideas. There are two ways you can do this on our platform.

One approach is to analyze 60,000+ groups of products (out of 32 million products that we analyzed, more on how to do that in the section below).

Or alternatively, you can use our stores analysis tool. You can find all stores in specific vertical by e.g. selecting “Pets and Animal Supplies” from the dropdown menu, filtering country to US and then ordering by price (which will be in USD):

Checking out the top listed domains, one can see they are offering interesting products with high prices for products in this category, among others:

  • Colorfalls
  • Designer crates and luxury dog beds
  • Complex furniture for pets
  • Modern rimless aquariums
  • Advanced pet strollers
  • Luxury pet car seats

In our next article, we will examine how to find high ticket eCommerce ideas by analyzing 60,000+ groups of products (out of 32 million products that we analyzed).

