Gaming and E-commerce — A Game to Play and Get Reward

Ecommerce Tips
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2023
Gamification in ecommerce is underrated
Game over screenshot from the game Bunner

Playing games would help making longer dwelling time on your product page? Probably, you can also influence your bounce rate with a game on your webshop?

Webshops give away X% discount if you sign up for newsletters.

You can get some other seasonal discount, if you are lucky.

But that’s it all? No more exchange? No more actions? Where is the customer centricity?

Nobody does more that this in general.

But let’s suppose that your are a webshop owner, who doesn’t want to give it in so easily. You want to make the visit to your website a remarkable rendezvous for the customer.

So here is a gameplay for you, a hunt.

Find a 12-digit random string, which is a super high percent of discount code, and was generated by the webshop and placed on a carefully selected product page.

Let the customer find the discount if you want a discount

You have lot’s of product pages I know. The rules are up to you. How many, what kind of discount you going to set up.

The code is placed on product descriptions, brand introduction, hidden among product images, among logos as you want it.

Make the bait big enough, and provide some guide, perhaps a riddle to help the customer a wee bit.

Communicate the conditions of the game via your email marketing. Make a cool campaign out of it. Call the customers into action with ads from the search engine marketing aka PPC guys.

The deal is to create a chain of continuous product page visits, and to raise the dwelling time from the current one to a higher level.

But as one of my colleague said, why not to make a real game?

Well, if you have got the resources, why not?

I can imagine a 404 page, which has an option to play the dinosaur jumping game, which is a browser-in built game.

Raise the dwelling time for a 404 page

And at the end, your score will define the next discount that you receive from the webshop in mention.

A balancing game for B2B webshops, driving your pallet truck on the slippery warehouse, and the more crates remain on the platform, the more discount you receive.

Add a time factor to the game, make stages. Engage the customer. Don’t give your discount so easy.

And also, think of this, Time is money. For you and for your customer as well.

So reward the time which was invested onto your webshop, raise the attention of the customer if it was not up or used already.

Have a good time while playing! Let the game begin!



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