Why Is It Good For You To Ask For More To Do At Work in Ecommerce?

Ecommerce Tips
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2023
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

I am seriously telling you this. Do ask for more work in your job. But not more workload from the same type of work but try to look into other topics. This way you will gain new skillsets, earn respect from your employer and gain relevant experience.

In this way your employer also going to remember you, and keep you in a special selection.

If your employer uses you and squeeze you, well for some time it is ok, what you earn now is experience, which you can use to promote yourself on the job market.

The more skills and experience you have got the more legs you are standing on the more you worth.

Being versatile, I feel is a mixture of self insurance and best investment practices.

Also, looking out from the box and seeing the big picture might help you build your own business, you could work as a contractor for several companies.

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

I tell you a story via a personal experience

I started a a PPC specialist in my current workplace, I asked for mor work, thus I could learn more in PPC.

Then relevant to my job, I asked to be a part of Web Analyst Taskforce, and learnt a lot about reporting and using reporting tools. I wanted to prove my skills with a certificate and finished Google Data Analyst course, and earned a certificate, which opened new opportunities in my work.

The reporting turned out to be a great advantage, and as PPC didn’t offer me much more new fields to learn, I asked for a transfer to SEO team.

In SEO the reporting skills became my specialisation, but I also took part in minor and later in major SEO projects. I even implement own projects from planning to reporting and follow-up.

Once I administrate the changes on my LinkedIn, I receive more job offers, as I have more skills in new fields and topics.

Honestly, the offers working a a PPC are not as generous as working as a Data Analyst, and working with data is basically needed everywhere, not just in e-commerce.

So the availability widens, and not just limits yourself to Performance Marketing.

More job does not necessarily means more to do

Learn automation. Not just for the sake of learning a new profession. This skill helps you to make your job faster, without errors and remain sane under the pressure which can be caused by the higher workload.

Power Automate (Desktop) and Autohotkey are your tools to boost your productivity.

Check out one of my article how I automated a Schema Markup creation. Basically 90-120 seconds of manual work got done in 3 seconds and this job was done 1200 times.

Now you say that you are not technical enough for making this.

Me, neither.

I am just open to new things, I read lot’s of forums, ask for help from RPA communities, and after sometime, everyone can figure out the things with more or less help.

Both above mentioned tools are sufficient enough to assist the majority to boost processing the incoming workload.

After a couple of hundreds of hours of work, you will be well trained to be able to outline the task that you want to automate, fully or partially.

Sometimes knowing the problem/task takes more time, then resolving it.

And you see? You are becoming an Process Automation savvy, you can write it on your CV, and demonstrate the skills with real life projects.


If your employer is not entirely a madman, the company will appreciate an employee who is proactive.

If this is not the case, be sure, someone is looking for an employee like you.

If we are talking about firing employees, companies will fire the last the colleague, who is asking for more job.

I also see tendency in my work environment that firing actually happen less, rather workers leave for better pay, better benefits, calmer workplace or just taking a shorter or longer break from the work.


If you leave your employer, you do it for getting something better, something that you didn’t get in your employer.

If you go to your employer and ask for more, the employer will consider your actions, and raising salary just because the inflation rate rise since the last 18 months is rarely a reason for a raise.

Give a reason to your employer to agree with your salary raise.

Or give your employer no place to reject your your request.

Or get surprized that your employer give you an extra bonus for your extra efforts.

Or, yes, if non of these versions happen, it is time to look around on the labour market equipped with new skills.



Ecommerce Tips

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