Top 6 steps to improve online selling this Halloween

Yaali Inventory
Published in
5 min readOct 28, 2017

Every year, holiday season is the most expected period when everybody shops as if they are buying up for the whole year.

Good news for online retailers: holidays today mean holi-sales, as more people than ever before will do their holiday shopping online.

The holiday season starts with Halloween, the 4th largest holiday for E-commerce (coming after Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas & New Year). If you don’t wanna miss any sales on this shopping craze, you’d better get prepared right now.

That’s because the spooky-fun holiday has become the 8th-highest spending holiday in the US according to the National Retail Federation (NRF). Just last year the NRF projected Halloween to rake in $8.4 billion in the US alone, and the holiday isn’t just limited to America.In Europe, Halloween is popular, too, and for savvy sellers who sell on multiple marketplaces around the world, the chances for massive sales are high — if you plan accordingly

There is a statistics which describes

“ Merchants who specialize in E-commerce during holiday season will be even selling more in normal days. “

That’s because the NRF found that in 2016, nearly 22% of consumers were planning on making Halloween purchases online. Year-over-year, that’s more than a 26% increase, and with online shopping on the rise, 2017 is set to be a record-breaking year for E-commerce sellers.

whether you plan on putting on a costume (or dressing up your pet), you have to admit: Halloween is an extraordinary time of year for online sellers.

Here are 6 must-do tips to help you get started for this Halloween.

Start promoting holiday offers at-least a week ahead

  • It has become common that people are buying sooner and sooner before the holidays. According to National Retail Foundation, 40% of consumers begin shopping before Halloween. They do not only shop for the Halloween but also shop for later holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.
  • This fact is well proven by Google reporting that 1 in 4 American shoppers searches for gifts and stuffs long before Halloween. In order to catch the early sales, online retailers need to prepare for the holiday sales as soon as possible.
  • Get your inventory bulked up, promotions ready, store decoration finished and everything else done and up at least 2 weeks before the holiday.
  • If you don’t want to bring up everything too soon, start with publishing some teasers in landing page or sending promotional emails to remind your customers of visiting your store on the big day to catch the deal.
  • The idea is to become your customers best choice when they think about where to shop/search for this years holiday purchase.

Optimize mobile version of your website

  • The study by KPCB shows, that an adult in the US spends approximately 2.8 hours daily browsing Internet with his/her mobile devices (which is 51% of all the time spent online daily).
  • From search to purchase, online shoppers are turning from web to mobile devices, thanks to the booming era of smartphones and tablets. M-Commerce now has become an essential growing part of e-Commerce.
  • With more than 50% of online shopping occurring on smartphones and tablets, you’re virtually about lose half of potential sales in this holiday season if your website isn’t mobile-friendly.
  • You should design a mobile-responsive website and perfect the user experience on mobile shopping:

- Don’t require logging in to shop on mobile

- Make it easy to browse with one finger

- Simple and quick checkout process

- If you want to invest more: create a separate app for shopping on your store

Decorate your store with a spooky look and feel

  • Shoppers are most willing to pay real money when they are in the mood. Why do offline-retailers spend about $60 billion annually on in-store display for special events? Because customers are much more lavish when being emotionally affected.
  • If you’re doing online business, you’re saving much more than offline retailers in decorating and changing the look and feel of your store. Designing some thrilling images on homepage, installing themed add-ons, sending HTML emails are all easy and cost-saving ideas to prepare a spooky look for Halloween to impress your visitors.

Product packing

Halloween is a holiday when people buy little things as gifts and package here matters. The more creative package you have, the more likely you will be chosen among the number of similar retailers. Design several packages and offer Halloween sets of products, combining the best-selling items into special Halloween deals.

Be Sure To Stock Up

  • Almost a third of shoppers start buying for Halloween before October. So, if you’re selling Halloween related goods, be sure to stock up early and start your Halloween efforts in good time. You don’t want to miss out on a huge segment of your potential market, so planning ahead and starting any promotions well in advance is a must.
  • You’ll want to use your planning to predict any increase in sales as a result of Halloween marketing efforts and offers, and make sure that you have the capacity to meet demand.

Offer Something Extra

Halloween is a good opportunity to increase sales on your E-commerce site, but it’s also a good opportunity for your competitors, so you’ll need to do something to stand out and offering something extra to your customers is a useful tool for doing that.

We provide our entire resources to support your online selling with Yaali Inventory Management Software, if you’re an E-commerce Seller/ Brick and Mortar Seller get benefited from Yaali , you would have never come across these features which we provide. We are offering it for free. So check in without worries and Get benefited this Holiday season

Thank you

Best Regards,

Yaali Inventory Management Software

