Ajithkumar CC
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2018


A few notable e-commerce news items from the past week: ComScore published an interesting study on the reach and usage of Groupon and LivingSocial within the US. Particularly notable is the demographic profile: The market leaders for the Daily Deal/Group Buying sector in the US is dominated by Groupon in the lead and LivingSocial in second place: Diapers.com/Quidsi, which was acquired by Amazon.com in November 2010, is introducing a new niche e-commerce site called Wag.com. The site will focus on pet products: “According to [Quidsi-Mitgrnder Marc Lore’s] message, the site will carry http://central-e-commerce.com/2017/02/groupon-vs-livingsocial-vs-wag-com-vs-rakuten-vs-amazonlocal/



Ajithkumar CC

I am Ajithkumar. An lndian, entrepreneur, spiritual seeker and a karma yogi.