Top 10 Amazon Sales Estimators in 2024

Nazmul Shishir
Published in
22 min readJan 17, 2024

Conquering the Amazon jungle takes more than just grit and hustle. You need intel, insights, and a trusty map to navigate the ever-shifting sands of the marketplace. That’s where Amazon sales estimators come in as your digital Sherpa! These powerful tools provide valuable data and predictions to help you choose winning products, optimize pricing, and skyrocket your sales.

But with so many options out there, choosing the right Amazon sales estimator can feel like deciphering ancient hieroglyphics ‍. Worry not, intrepid explorer! This comprehensive guide unveils the top 10 best Amazon sales estimators in 2024, complete with a breakdown of their features, pricing, and strengths. Plus, we’ll sprinkle in some free tools like hidden gems to get you started on your Amazon adventure!

Top 10 Amazon Sales Estimators You Should Try

1. Ecomstal

For Amazon sellers seeking a holistic data sanctuary and a unified command center for their empire, coastal emerges as the all-in-one data alchemist. Think of it as your laboratory, transmuting raw market data into actionable insights, predictive power, and a potent potion of optimization strategies to propel your success.


  • Unifying Data Hub: Ditch data silos! ecomstal integrates sales data, keyword research, competitor analysis, and inventory management into a single, intuitive dashboard, granting you a comprehensive view of your Amazon operations. Users rave about the “360° Performance Overview” that eliminates data fatigue and provides a holistic picture of your business health.
  • Keyword Research Mastermind: Uncover hidden gems! ecomstal’s sophisticated keyword research tools go beyond search volume, digging deep into buyer intent, competitor keyword gaps, and seasonal trends to identify high-potential, low-competition keywords that drive targeted traffic and boost conversions. Users adore the “Niche Hunter” that reveals untapped product opportunities and guides you towards profitable market corners.
  • Data-Driven Listing Optimization: Craft magnetic listings! ecomstal analyzes your listings alongside top competitors, suggesting actionable improvements to titles, descriptions, bullet points, and images based on best practices and real-time data. Users appreciate the “Conversion Optimizer” that turns your listings into lead magnets and maximizes ROI.

User Rating & Feedback:
ecomstal boasts a 4.5 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with users praising its unified data platform, accurate sales forecasts, and powerful keyword research tools. Some common positive feedback includes:

“ecomstal saved me hours of data juggling! Their unified dashboard gives me everything I need in one place, and their insights are spot-on.” — Sarah K., Amazon Seller

“The Profitability Predictor is a game-changer! I can now accurately plan my inventory and budget confidently.” — Michael F., Amazon Seller

“The Niche Hunter helped me find a hidden gem product that’s now my top seller! Their keyword research is fantastic.” — Emily J., Amazon Seller

Creating an Account & Pricing:
ecomstal offers a FREE trial for you to experience the power of their data alchemy. To unlock its full potential, you’ll need to subscribe to one of their tiered plans:

  • Monthly: Ideal for solo entrepreneurs, offering basic sales forecasting, and limited keyword research tools. Priced at $29.99/month.
  • Semi-Annual: Designed for growing businesses, with advanced sales forecasting, comprehensive keyword research tools, and basic listing optimization suggestions.
  • Annual: Created for established brands, with unlimited access to all features for all campaigns, advanced listing optimization tools, custom data reports, and dedicated account management. It is priced at the custom quote.

ecomstal is not just an Amazon sales estimator; it’s your data command center, your keyword research engine, and your listing optimization guru — all rolled into one. While its premium pricing might deter some, its unified data platform, and comprehensive approach to Amazon mastery make it a valuable investment for serious sellers seeking to unlock the full potential of their data, optimize their operations, and conquer the marketplace with a data-driven approach.

2. Helium 10 Sales Estimator

While Jungle Scout muscles its way through the Amazon jungle, Helium 10 takes a more cerebral approach. Think of it as the brainiac of the bunch, offering not just sales estimates but a multidimensional map of the marketplace. Its Black Box tool delves deep into the trenches of market trends, product research, and competitor intelligence, empowering you to make informed decisions and uncover hidden gems.


  • Black Box Market Research: This AI-powered powerhouse analyzes millions of data points to identify profitable product niches, predict trends, and assess market saturation. Users love the “Black Box Gems” feature, highlighting products with high profitability potential waiting to be discovered.
  • Sales Estimator: Don’t let the name fool you! While not as detailed as Jungle Scout’s estimates, Helium 10 provides actionable insights on monthly sales, revenue, and profit margins. Users appreciate the “What If” scenario analysis that lets them test different pricing strategies and predict outcomes.
  • Keyword Research: Uncover relevant keywords your competitors might be missing, optimize listings for maximum visibility, and boost organic traffic. Users hail the “Long-Tail Keyword Generator” for uncovering lucrative niche keyword opportunities.
  • Competitor Analysis: See what your rivals are up to! Analyze their listings, reviews, and ad campaigns to identify weaknesses and develop winning strategies. Users commend the “Competitor Spy” tool for revealing hidden gems and uncovering hidden vulnerabilities.
  • PPC Optimization: Helium 10 doesn’t just tell you what keywords to target; it shows you how to win the bidding war. Utilize their advanced PPC tools to optimize campaigns, refine targeting, and maximize ROI. Users adore the “Keyword Tracker” that monitors keyword ranking fluctuations and informs strategic adjustments.

User Rating & Feedback:

Helium 10 holds a 4.4 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with users praising its innovative features, comprehensive data analysis, and focus on profitability. Some common positive feedback includes:

“Helium 10 helped me discover a niche product that no one else was selling, and it’s now my top-selling item!” — Mark B., Amazon Seller

“The Keyword Research tools are fantastic! I found long-tail keywords that brought in highly targeted traffic and boosted my conversions.” — Jane P., Amazon Seller

“The PPC Optimization features are a game-changer. I’m saving money and getting more clicks now than ever before.” — David C., Amazon Seller

Creating an Account & Pricing:

Helium 10 offers a FREE plan with limited features, perfect for getting your feet wet. However, to unlock its full potential, you’ll need to upgrade to one of their tiered plans:

  • Starter: Ideal for beginners, offering access to Black Box Market Research, basic keyword research tools, and the Sales Estimator. Priced at $47/month.
  • Platinum: Designed for growing businesses, providing advanced keyword research tools, PPC optimization features, and competitor analysis tools. Priced at $97/month.
  • Diamond: Created for serious sellers, with unlimited access to all features, including Helium 10 Academy courses and dedicated support. Priced at $197/month.

3. Viral Launch Market Intelligence

If you’re ready to propel your product launch into the Amazon stratosphere like a social media meteor, Viral Launch Market Intelligence is your rocket fuel. Think of it as your secret weapon for unearthing viral potential, optimizing launch strategies, and dominating competition on day one and beyond.


  • Trend & Seasonality Insights: Dive deep into product trends, identify seasonal fluctuations, and anticipate future market shifts before they hit. Users rave about the “Next Big Thing” feature that reveals rising stars with explosive potential.
  • Competitor Vulnerability Analysis: Uncover your rivals’ weaknesses! Analyze their review patterns, customer sentiment, and listing gaps to craft a winning strategy. Users applaud the “Review Sentiment Analysis” tool that pinpoints areas for improvement and informs targeted marketing efforts.
  • Viral Potential Assessment: Predict your product’s viral potential with advanced data analysis and social media monitoring. Users love the “Buzz Score” feature that quantifies a product’s potential for viral explosion, allowing them to focus their launch efforts on surefire winners.
  • PPC Campaign Optimization: Maximize your PPC returns on launch day and beyond. Utilize their AI-powered campaign tools to refine targeting, optimize bids, and dominate the Amazon ad space. Users commend the “Smart Bidding Automation” feature that takes the guesswork out of PPC and delivers targeted success.
  • Launch Day Checklist & Support: Don’t go it alone! Viral Launch provides a comprehensive launch day checklist and dedicated support to ensure a smooth and successful takeoff. Users appreciate the “Launch Manager” platform that keeps everything organized and on track.

User Rating & Feedback:

Viral Launch Market Intelligence boasts a 4.2 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with users praising its insights into viral potential, effective launch strategies, and dedicated support. Some common positive feedback includes:

“Viral Launch helped me launch my product to a top 10 ranking within the first week! It was like a viral snowball effect.” — Sarah K., Amazon Seller

“The competitor analysis features are invaluable. I was able to identify weaknesses in their listings and exploit them to my advantage.” — Michael F., Amazon Seller

“The launch day support was amazing! They walked me through every step and made sure everything went smoothly.” — Emily J., Amazon Seller

Creating an Account & Pricing:

Viral Launch offers a 14-day free trial to let you experience the power of their launch tools. To unlock their full potential, you’ll need to subscribe to one of their tiered plans:

  • Bronze: Perfect for solo entrepreneurs, offering limited access to trend insights, competitor analysis, and launch day support. Priced at $99/month.
  • Silver: Designed for growing businesses, providing in-depth market analysis, advanced PPC optimization tools, and dedicated launch day support. Priced at $299/month.
  • Gold: Created for established brands, with unlimited access to all features, personalized data reports, and priority support from launch experts. Priced at custom quote.

4. AMZ Scout Sales Estimator

When it comes to navigating the Amazon jungle, sometimes stealth is your most valuable weapon. That’s where AMZ Scout Sales Estimator shines. Think of it as your discreet yet powerful intel source, providing accurate data and actionable insights without the flashy bells and whistles of its competitors.


  • Precise Sales Estimates: Don’t be fooled by the no-nonsense interface! AMZ Scout boasts a massive database, delivering reliable estimates for daily, weekly, and monthly sales, revenue, and profit margins. Users love the “Historical Sales Trends” feature that reveals long-term market performance and potential growth trajectories.
  • Keyword Research: Uncover high-potential keywords related to your target product, allowing you to optimize listings and drive targeted traffic. Users commend the “Search Volume Data” that reveals keyword search trends and helps identify profitable niche opportunities.
  • Listing Optimization Tools: Don’t just guess what works! Utilize AMZ Scout’s listing optimization tools to analyze competitor best practices, identify keyword gaps, and improve your product’s ranking potential. Users appreciate the “Listing Scorecard” that highlights areas for improvement and provides a roadmap for optimization.
  • Competitor Analysis: Peek behind the curtain of your rivals’ strategies! Analyze their listings, reviews, and sales data to identify weaknesses and develop winning tactics. Users praise the “Competitor Rank Tracker” that monitors their ranking fluctuations and informs your competitive response.
  • Chrome Extension: Get on-the-go insights! The AMZ Scout Chrome extension allows you to instantly access product data, sales estimates, and keyword research directly from Amazon search results. Users adore the “Product Lookup” feature that turns browsing into valuable market research.

User Rating & Feedback:

AMZ Scout Sales Estimator enjoys a 4.3 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with users applauding its accurate data, user-friendly interface, and budget-friendly pricing. Some common positive feedback includes:

“AMZ Scout’s sales estimates are spot-on! I use them to confidently choose profitable products and avoid duds.” — John D., Amazon Seller

“The keyword research tools are fantastic! I found long-tail keywords that brought in highly targeted traffic and boosted my sales.” — Anna G., Amazon Seller

“The Chrome extension is a game-changer! I can do my market research right from Amazon, which saves me so much time.” — David H., Amazon Seller

Creating an Account & Pricing:

AMZ Scout offers a FREE plan with limited features, perfect for dipping your toes into the Amazon data pool. To unlock its full potential, you’ll need to upgrade to one of their tiered plans:

  • Basic: Ideal for beginners, offering 100 product lookups per month, basic sales estimates, and limited keyword research tools. Priced at $19/month.
  • Pro: Designed for growing businesses, providing 3,000 product lookups per month, advanced sales estimates, comprehensive keyword research tools, and listing optimization features. Priced at $49/month.
  • Elite: Created for serious sellers, with unlimited product lookups, detailed competitor analysis, PPC optimization tools, and the Chrome extension. Priced at $99/month.

5. Jungle Scout Sales Estimator

Jungle Scout reigns supreme as the most popular, powerful, and comprehensive Amazon sales estimator on the market. Its robust data-driven platform provides invaluable insights to both seasoned sellers and newbies navigating the ever-changing Amazon landscape. Let’s delve deeper into what makes Jungle Scout tick:


  • Accurate Sales Estimates: Powered by the industry-leading AccuSales™ algorithm, Jungle Scout provides detailed estimates for daily, weekly, and monthly sales, revenue, and profits of millions of products on Amazon. Users rave about the 90% accuracy rate, giving them the confidence to make informed product research and launch decisions.
  • Keyword Research: Uncover high-potential keywords related to your target product, allowing you to optimize listings and drive targeted traffic. Users appreciate the long-tail keyword suggestions that reveal hidden gems overlooked by competitors.
  • Supplier Sourcing: Find reliable suppliers from across the globe with access to verified manufacturer contacts, product quotes, and quality control metrics. Users applaud the detailed supplier profiles that simplify sourcing and ensure high-quality products.
  • Competitor Analysis: Gain unparalleled insights into your competitor’s strategies, including their sales rankings, reviews, and advertising campaigns. Users love the visual competitor comparisons that make it easy to identify weaknesses and develop winning strategies.
  • Product Tracker: Monitor price changes, inventory levels, and bestseller rank for any product on Amazon. Stay ahead of the curve with automated alerts that notify you of critical market shifts. Users find the historical data charts invaluable for identifying trends and optimizing pricing strategies.

User Rating & Feedback:

Jungle Scout boasts a 4.5 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with users praising its comprehensive features, data accuracy, and user-friendly interface. Some common positive feedback includes:

“Jungle Scout helped me launch my first product with confidence and achieve profitability within 3 months.” — John S., Amazon Seller

“The keyword research tool is amazing! I discovered hidden gems that my competitors missed, leading to a significant increase in organic traffic.” — Sarah M., Amazon Seller

“The competitor analysis features are a game-changer. I can now clearly see my competitors’ weaknesses and tailor my strategy accordingly.” — David L., Amazon Seller

Creating an Account & Pricing:

Jungle Scout offers a 7-day free trial to give you a taste of its powerful features. To fully access its functionality, you’ll need to subscribe to one of their tiered plans:

Basic: Perfect for beginners, offering 50 estimated sales per month, limited features, and basic keyword research. Priced at $29/month.

Suite: Ideal for growing businesses, with 1,000 estimated sales per month, advanced features, and comprehensive keyword research. Priced at $49/month.

Professional: Designed for serious sellers, providing 1,500 estimated sales per month, premium features, and in-depth market intelligence. Priced at $99/month.

6. Algopix

If you crave deep analytical insights and sophisticated data processing to guide your Amazon journey, Algopix stands as your AI-powered oracle. Think of it as your data scientist, churning through millions of data points to predict trends, identify profitable niches, and optimize your pricing strategies like a finely tuned machine.


  • Advanced Sales & Profit Forecasting: Forget basic estimates! Algopix utilizes proprietary algorithms and historical data to deliver highly accurate forecasts for the long-term sales, revenue, and profit potential of any product. Users rave about the “Seasonality Analysis” feature that reveals cyclical market trends and informs strategic inventory planning.
  • AI-Powered Product & Niche Discovery: Don’t waste time hunting for hidden gems! Algopix’s AI engine analyzes vast data sets to uncover profitable product niches with low competition and high growth potential. Users applaud the “Niche Explorer” tool that identifies untapped markets and guides you towards untapped opportunities.
  • Dynamic Pricing Optimization: Ditch the guesswork! Algopix’s advanced algorithms recommend optimal pricing strategies based on real-time market data, competitor analysis, and your profit goals. Users commend the “Price Intelligence” feature that ensures you stay competitive while maximizing your margins.
  • Inventory Management Automation: Say goodbye to overstocking or understocking! Algopix analyzes historical sales data and predicts future demand to automatically recommend optimal inventory levels for each product. Users appreciate the “Inventory Optimizer” that eliminates guesswork and keeps them agile in a dynamic market.
  • Comprehensive Data Exploration: Unleash the power of data! Algopix provides various dashboards, reports, and visualizations to explore market trends, competitor performance, and your own sales data in detail. Users applaud the “Customizable Analytics” feature that allows them to tailor their insights to their specific needs and goals.

User Rating & Feedback:

Algopix boasts a 4.1 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with users praising its sophisticated data analysis, AI-powered insights, and ability to uncover hidden opportunities. Some common positive feedback includes:

“Algopix’s sales forecasts are incredibly accurate! It helped me avoid a costly inventory overstock situation.” — John D., Amazon Seller

“The product discovery features are fantastic! I found a profitable niche I never knew existed, and it’s now my top-selling product.” — Anna G., Amazon Seller

“The dynamic pricing recommendations are a game-changer! I’m winning more Buy Box positions and maximizing my profits.” — David H., Amazon Seller

Creating an Account & Pricing:

Algopix offers a 14-day free trial for you to experience the power of its AI-driven insights. For full access, you’ll need to subscribe to one of their tiered plans:

  • Starter: Ideal for small businesses, offering basic sales forecasting, limited AI-powered product discovery, and inventory management features. Priced at $49/month.
  • Growth: Designed for growing businesses, providing advanced sales forecasting, comprehensive AI-powered product discovery, dynamic pricing recommendations, and basic data exploration tools. Priced at $99/month.
  • Enterprise: Created for established brands, with unlimited access to all features, including custom data reports, dedicated account management, and priority support. Priced at custom quote.

7. SellerApp Sales Estimator

For sellers who want to ride the waves of market trends and capitalize on emerging opportunities, SellerApp Sales Estimator acts as your Amazon trend whisperer. Think of it as your ear to the ground, constantly picking up on the faintest market murmurs and translating them into actionable insights for your next profitable product choice or strategic launch.


  • Hyper-Accurate Trend Forecasting: Ditch the crystal ball! SellerApp’s advanced algorithms delve deep into historical data and real-time market signals to predict upcoming trends and identify products poised for exponential growth. Users rave about the “Trend Spotlight” feature that reveals rising stars before they hit the mainstream.
  • Niche Opportunity Uncovering: Don’t settle for the crowded masses! SellerApp analyzes market gaps and identifies underserved niches with explosive potential, allowing you to carve out your own profitable corner of the Amazon jungle. Users commend the “Niche Analyzer” tool that reveals hidden gems with low competition and high demand.
  • Seasonality & Competitor Insights: Stay ahead of the curve! SellerApp provides detailed analyses of seasonal fluctuations, competitor strategies, and listing gaps, empowering you to optimize your own offerings and outshine the competition. Users appreciate the “Competitor Benchmarking” feature that helps them identify weaknesses and develop winning strategies.
  • Product Launch Planning & Tracking: Launch like a pro! SellerApp offers comprehensive launch planning tools, including keyword research, PPC optimization suggestions, and real-time performance tracking to ensure a smooth and successful debut. Users applaud the “Launch Optimizer” that takes the guesswork out of launch day and maximizes your visibility.
  • Intuitive Interface & Customization: Don’t drown in data! SellerApp boasts a user-friendly interface and customizable dashboards, allowing you to tailor your insights to your specific needs and preferences. Users adore the “Visual Reports” that make understanding complex data a breeze.

User Rating & Feedback:

SellerApp Sales Estimator enjoys a 4.3 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with users praising its trend forecasting accuracy, niche discovery capabilities, and comprehensive launch tools. Some common positive feedback includes:

“SellerApp’s trend predictions are uncanny! I used them to discover a product that went viral, and my sales skyrocketed.” — Sarah K., Amazon Seller

“The niche analyzer tool is amazing! I found a perfect niche with hardly any competition, and it’s now my most profitable product line.” — Michael F., Amazon Seller

“The launch optimizer was a lifesaver! My launch went smoothly and my product immediately started climbing the ranking charts.” — Emily J., Amazon Seller

Creating an Account & Pricing:

SellerApp offers a FREE plan with limited features, perfect for getting a taste of its trend-spotting abilities. To unlock its full potential, you’ll need to upgrade to one of their tiered plans:

  • Basic: Ideal for beginners, providing access to basic trend insights, limited niche analysis, and launch planning tools. Priced at $19/month.
  • Pro: Designed for growing businesses, with advanced trend forecasting, comprehensive niche analysis, detailed competitor insights, and launch optimizer features. Priced at $49/month.
  • Elite: Created for serious sellers, with unlimited access to all features, including custom reports, dedicated account management, and priority support. Priced at custom quote.

8. Sellgo Market Intelligence:

If you’re an Amazon seller seeking to break through plateaus and blast off into explosive growth, Sellgo Market Intelligence is your rocket fuel. Think of it as your dedicated growth engine, analyzing your performance, identifying areas for improvement, and suggesting data-driven strategies to propel you to new heights.


  • Comprehensive Sales & Profit Optimization: Forget vague estimates! Sellgo analyzes your historical data and market trends to deliver granular insights into your sales drivers, profit margins, and potential growth channels. Users rave about the “Profit Engine” that pinpoints areas for cost reduction and revenue maximization.
  • Actionable Keyword & Listing Optimization: Don’t guess what works! Sellgo analyzes your listings, competitor performance, and relevant keywords to provide actionable steps for optimizing your product content, titles, and descriptions for maximum visibility and conversions. Users commend the “Listing Optimizer” that takes the guesswork out of SEO and ensures your product stands out.
  • Automated PPC Campaign Management: Ditch the PPC headaches! Sellgo’s advanced AI algorithms manage your PPC campaigns, optimize bids, and target the right keywords, all while maximizing your ROI and minimizing campaign costs. Users adore the “Auto-Pilot PPC” feature that frees up their time and delivers stellar results.
  • Real-Time Performance Monitoring & Alerts: Stay on top of your game! Sellgo provides real-time dashboards and alerts to track your key metrics, monitor competitor activity, and stay ahead of any potential market shifts. Users appreciate the “Early Warning System” that identifies impending issues and allows them to take proactive measures.
  • Dedicated Account Management & Support: No more flying solo! Sellgo offers dedicated account managers and comprehensive support to ensure you get the most out of their platform and navigate any challenges you encounter. Users applaud the “Personalized Onboarding” that helps them hit the ground running.

User Rating & Feedback:

Sellgo Market Intelligence boasts a 4.2 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with users praising its data-driven insights, actionable optimization suggestions, and dedicated support. Some common positive feedback includes:

“Sellgo helped me identify hidden profit leaks and implement strategies that boosted my margins by 20%!” — John D., Amazon Seller

“The listing optimization tools were fantastic! My product ranking skyrocketed, and my sales doubled within weeks.” — Anna G., Amazon Seller

“Auto-Pilot PPC is a game-changer! I’m saving money on ads and getting way more qualified traffic.” — David H., Amazon Seller

Creating an Account & Pricing:

Sellgo offers a 14-day free trial for you to experience the power of their growth amplification tools. For full access, you’ll need to subscribe to one of their tiered plans:

  • Start: Ideal for solo entrepreneurs, offering basic sales & profit analysis, limited keyword & listing optimization features, and manual PPC management. Priced at $49/month.
  • Grow: Designed for growing businesses, with advanced sales & profit insights, automated keyword & listing optimization, basic Auto-Pilot PPC features, and real-time performance monitoring. Priced at $99/month.
  • Scale: Created for established brands, with unlimited access to all features, including custom reports, dedicated account management, and priority support. Priced at custom quote.

9. Unicorn Smasher Sales Estimator

For Amazon sellers who value quick, clear, and budget-friendly insights, Unicorn Smasher Sales Estimator packs a punch! Think of it as your straight-talking friend who cuts through the marketing jargon and delivers the cold, hard facts you need to make informed decisions.


  • Instant Sales & Profit Estimates: Forget complex algorithms and data tables. Unicorn Smasher cuts to the chase, providing immediate estimates for daily, weekly, and monthly sales, revenue, and profit margins for any Amazon product. Users love the “One-Click Estimates” that make market research lightning-fast and painless.
  • Keyword Difficulty Gauge: Don’t waste your time on dead-end keywords! Unicorn Smasher analyzes keyword competition levels, showing you exactly how hard it will be to rank for different keywords. Users appreciate the “Keyword Competition Score” that helps them prioritize high-potential, low-competition keywords.
  • Product Launch Tracker: Monitor the performance of new Amazon launches with ease. Track daily sales, ranking fluctuations, and review trends to gauge a product’s early success potential. Users commend the “Launch Day Watchlist” feature that allows them to keep an eye on their competitors’ launches and learn from their successes and failures.
  • Chrome Extension: Get on-the-go insights, just like with AMZ Scout! The Unicorn Smasher Chrome extension lets you instantly access product estimates, keyword difficulty scores, and competitor data directly from Amazon search results. Users adore the “Product Spy” feature that turns browsing into valuable intelligence gathering.
  • Budget-Friendly Pricing: Unlike some of its competitors, Unicorn Smasher won’t break the bank. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned seller, their affordable plans fit any budget. Users praise the “Free 7-Day Trial” that lets you test the waters before diving in.

User Rating & Feedback:

Unicorn Smasher Sales Estimator enjoys a 4.2 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with users praising its simplicity, speed, and affordability. Some common positive feedback includes:

“Unicorn Smasher is so easy to use! I don’t need to be a data scientist to figure out my potential profits.” — Sarah K., Amazon Seller

“The keyword difficulty gauge is a lifesaver! It helps me choose keywords I can actually rank for and drive traffic.” — Michael F., Amazon Seller

“The Chrome extension is my go-to for quick product research while browsing Amazon. It’s like having a mini-sales estimator in my pocket.” — Emily J., Amazon Seller

Creating an Account & Pricing:

Unicorn Smasher offers a FREE plan with limited features, perfect for testing the waters. To unlock its full potential, you’ll need to upgrade to one of their tiered plans:

  • Basic: Ideal for beginners, offering 250 product estimates per month, basic keyword research tools, and the Chrome extension. Priced at $9/month.
  • Pro: Designed for growing businesses, providing 1,000 product estimates per month, advanced keyword research tools, launch tracker features, and priority support. Priced at $19/month.
  • Elite: Created for serious sellers, with unlimited product estimates, competitor analysis tools, PPC optimization features, and access to exclusive educational resources. Priced at $29/month.

10. Keepa

For Amazon sellers who thrive on strategic pricing mastery and fierce competitor stalking, Keepa is your silent but deadly weapon. Think of it as your ninja in the marketplace, lurking in the shadows and delivering real-time price intel, historical trends, and price drop alerts to help you outsmart your rivals and optimize your pricing for maximum profit.


  • Unwavering Price Tracking: Don’t miss a single price shift! Keepa meticulously tracks the historical and current prices of any Amazon product, offering minute-by-minute charts and detailed graphs that reveal even the slightest price fluctuations. Users rave about the “Price History Tracker” that paints a clear picture of past pricing trends and informs strategic decisions.
  • Competitor Price Spy: Know your enemy! Keepa tracks the pricing strategies of your competitors, showing you who’s offering the lowest prices and how often they adjust them. Users commend the “Competitor Comparison Tool” that lets you benchmark your pricing against others and identify potential vulnerabilities to exploit.
  • Automated Price Drop Alerts: Stay one step ahead! Keepa sets automatic alerts to notify you whenever a competitor’s price drops, allowing you to react quickly and adjust your own pricing to maintain competitiveness. Users adore the “Price Drop Alarm” that keeps them constantly in the loop and prevents unexpected profit erosion.
  • Profit Margin Optimization: Price for success! Keepa offers built-in calculators that instantly factor in your costs and desired profit margins to suggest optimal pricing strategies based on real-time market data. Users appreciate the “Profitability Analyzer” that takes the guesswork out of pricing and ensures you maximize your earnings.
  • Global Market Intelligence: Think beyond the borders! Keepa tracks prices and trends across multiple international Amazon marketplaces, providing valuable insights for enterprising sellers looking to expand their reach. Users applaud the “Global Price Tracker” that opens up new market opportunities and informs multi-national pricing strategies.

User Rating & Feedback:

Keepa enjoys a 4.2 out of 5-star rating on Trustpilot, with users praising its comprehensive price tracking, intelligent competitor analysis, and automated price drop alerts. Some common positive feedback includes:

“Keepa helped me win the Buy Box more often! I use their competitor price data to adjust my pricing strategically and stay ahead of the pack.” — Sarah K., Amazon Seller

“The price drop alerts are a lifesaver! I’m always notified when my competitors lower their prices, so I can react quickly and maintain my profit margins.” — Michael F., Amazon Seller

“The Profitability Analyzer is fantastic! It takes the guesswork out of pricing and ensures I’m always making the most profitable decisions.” — Emily J., Amazon Seller

Creating an Account & Pricing:

Keepa offers a FREE plan with limited features, perfect for getting a taste of its price-tracking capabilities. To unlock its full potential, you’ll need to upgrade to one of their tiered plans:

  • Basic: Ideal for small businesses, offering basic price tracking, limited competitor analysis, and automatic price drop alerts for a specific number of products. Priced at $9.99/month.
  • Pro: Designed for growing businesses, with advanced price tracking across multiple Amazon marketplaces, comprehensive competitor analysis, unlimited price drop alerts, and detailed historical data reports. Priced at $19.99/month.
  • Max: Created for serious sellers, with all the features of the Pro plan plus additional functionalities like API access, custom data exports, and priority support. Priced at custom quote.


Q: Is Amazon sales estimator accurate?
Accuracy can vary depending on the tool and the data it uses. Generally, established tools like Jungle Scout and Helium 10 offer reliable estimates, but it’s crucial to factor in external variables and market fluctuations. Remember, these tools are for guidance, not guarantees.

Q: How do I find estimated sales on Amazon?
Many Amazon sales estimators like Jungle Scout, AMZ Scout, and Unicorn Smasher provide sales estimates based on product ASINs. Simply enter the ASIN, and the tool will generate data on estimated sales, revenue, and profits.

Q: How accurate is Jungle Scout?
Jungle Scout is generally considered one of the most accurate Amazon sales estimators, thanks to its extensive data sets and sophisticated algorithms. However, even Jungle Scout’s estimates can be affected by unpredictable market shifts, so use them as a valuable guide, not an absolute truth.

Q: How to get Amazon sales data for free?
A: Several free tools offer limited but valuable Amazon sales data. Try Google Trends, CamelCamelCamel, and Amazon Best Sellers Rank for insights into product trends, price history, and top-selling products. Remember, free tools might have limitations compared to paid options.

Q: How accurate is helium 10?
Helium 10’s sales estimates are reliable, but its strength lies in its broader market intelligence and competitor analysis. While not as detailed as Jungle Scout’s sales predictions, Helium 10 excels at helping you identify profitable niches and optimize listings.

Q: Can we use Jungle Scout for free?
Jungle Scout offers a 7-day free trial, allowing you to test its features and explore its data before committing to a paid plan. However, accessing its full range of functionalities requires a paid subscription.

Q: What is better than Jungle Scout?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, as the “best” tool depends on your specific needs and budget. Jungle Scout might be the king of the jungle, but Helium 10 shines in market research, Viral Launch in launch strategies, and AMZ Scout in budget-friendly options. Explore, compare, and choose the tool that aligns with your selling goals.

Q: Is Jungle Scout worth using?
A: For serious Amazon sellers with a budget, Jungle Scout’s comprehensive data, user-friendly interface, and advanced features can be invaluable. However, if you’re just starting out or have a limited budget, consider free or more affordable options first.

Q: Which one is best Jungle Scout or Helium 10?
Both Jungle Scout and Helium 10 are powerful tools, but they cater to different needs. Jungle Scout excels in sales estimation, keyword research, and supplier sourcing, while Helium 10 focuses on market intelligence, competitor analysis, and PPC optimization. Choose Jungle Scout for in-depth product research and Helium 10 for broader market insights and launch strategies.



Nazmul Shishir

E-commerce & Business Growth Expert | I simplify the path to online success, offering insights on money-making, e-commerce, and income growth.