Bangladeshi environmental group Ecology Movement and FOE U.S. held a Save the Sundarbans protest outside the UN in New York on September 19, 2016.

Powerful movement building for Bangladesh mangrove forests

An activist’s story in pictures

Friends of the Earth
Economic Policy
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2016


Friends of the Earth and Bangladeshi environmental group, Ecology Movement, rallied outside the UN General Assembly meeting this week, where President Obama and Bangladesh’s Prime Minister were in attendance, to protest the development of coal-fired power plants near the Sundarbans, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Bangladesh and the world’s largest continuous mangrove forest.

Monday’s protest which called on President Obama and the U.S. Export-Import Bank to publicly reject financing the Orion-Khulna coal plant, expected to be built just 14 km from the Sundarbans, was the latest of many protests against coal development in the area. This protest is part of a powerful grassroots movement that started in Bangladesh and is increasingly gaining support around the world. Over the last several months, hundreds of thousands of people in Bangladesh have participated in protests to oppose these coal projects. Similar protests have also been held in Paris, Washington D.C., and Atlanta.To learn more about the U.S.’s involvement in coal development in Bangladesh check out our recent blog: “Are U.S. Tax Dollars Financing Destruction of World’s Largest Mangrove Forest?”.

Below are highlights from our Economic Justice Campaigner Jenny Bock who was on the ground at the Save the Sundarbans protests held in New York this week.

Save the Sundarbans rally hosted by Bangladesh Environmental Network NY in Jackson Heights, Queens, NY on September 18.
Save the Sundarbans panel discussion hosted by Bangladesh Environmental Network NY and where Friends of the Earth Campaigner Jenny Bock was a speaker. in Jackson Heights, Queens, NY on September 18.
Top left: Activists marching to the UN mission building. Top right: Bangladeshi-American activist Mr. Rashid handing out informational flyers about the Sundarbans to passersby’s on the streetBottom: Campaigner Jenny Bock standing in solidarity with Bangladeshi partners.
Bangladeshi government staffer who works out of NY spontaneously joined the protest and supported saving the Sundarbans.
Activists standing outside UN mission buidling where Bangladeshi diplomats work.

Check out this awesome video of activists protesting outside the UN:

Bangladeshi-American activist Mr. Rashid tells us why he cares about saving the Sundarbans during the protest:

Stay updated and become a part of this growing movement on Twitter: #SaveSundarbans.



Friends of the Earth
Economic Policy

Friends of the Earth U.S. defends the environment and champions a healthy and just world.