Deplatforming, Censorship, Manipulation, Collusion, and Ostracism

Mike Hunt
Economic Secession
Published in
7 min readFeb 5, 2019

How Silicon Valley Tries to Control Speech, Your Job, Your Money, and Democracy

Youtube created a platform in which people created their own television channels and were able to bring in income from it (after Youtube, now owned by Google, took most of the ad revenue). After legacy media watched their influence lost to independent creators, they began attacking, most notably PewDiePie by the Wall Street Journal. Afraid to lose their advertising dollars, Youtube began applying an algorithm that would take the monetization away from videos automatically, which then had to be reviewed by Bay Area millennials.

This algorithm blatantly demonetized political channels outside of the political views of their executives and management which is well-known, but they’ve also prevented creators who aren’t overtly political from earning money. H3H3, a comedy channel known for “Vape Nation,” Jaclyn Glenn, a popular atheist commentator, and Rob Dyke (who just had to change his last name to Gavagan because his real last name was a slang slur for “lesbian”), a creator of videos about serial killers and strange occurrences, have all lost significant income after building their channels for years. What do all have in common? They’ve spoken out against political correctness and supported free speech.

Making it impossible to support their channel is deplatforming almost as much as outright banning them is.

The problem is that these platforms unfairly take people’s ability to share content away and not applying it to everyone equally. New York Times’ Sarah Jeong’s blatantly racist tweets are allowed, while Candace Owens’ retweet of those exact tweets replacing “white” with “jews” was deemed “hate speech” by Twitter. They apply their rules based on race, political affiliation, and ideology, also known as biased censorship. It would be one thing if they had founded their companies on these principles, but they waited until they had near monopolies on their respective services, then pulled the rug out from people they wanted to silence.

Alex Jones’ overnight ban from damn near every platform, even by payment processors, was either done with collusion or just peer pressure, being that the companies all reside in Silicon Valley’s ideological eco-chamber of virtue-signaling Democrat billionaires. Several of these companies were funded by In-Q-Tel (and later Palintir), including Google and Facebook, and In-Q-Tel has funded companies that mine social media data, most importantly Twitter. There is no free-market argument for Silicon Valley’s centralized control over how humans search the internet, get their news, communicate, and get their entertainment, as its growth has been financed and guided by a state intelligence agency. These companies have all of the power because their value to the deep state in information on their users. If you’re deplatformed, they already have a file on your dissident activity.

Social media is one thing. How about Visa, Mastercard, or your bank? Try renting a car, booking a hotel, or traveling without a bank card or credit card. Now, stores and restaurants are going “cashless,” meaning if you’re a “wrong thinker,” you’re out of luck. Picture society in ten years when cash is completely gone: make an offensive pug video and you’re living “underground,” and can only participate in the “black market.”

Patreon grew their company almost entirely on creators demonetized by Youtube. Then they felt the need to step in as officers of thought crime, first with Lauren Southern, Faith Goldy, after which they felt righteous in their fight against “Nazis,” but when they arbitrarily banned Sargon for language on another Youtubers channel (not hosted by Patreon), Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, Dave Rubin, Tim Pool, Matt Christiansen, and tens of thousands of subscribers abandoned Patreon. So what does Patreon do? Go after their competitor with PayPal’s help, which is illegal collusion.

That series of events looks like:

-Hustle burgeoning market of demonetized Youtubers

-Make money off of them

-Ban them

-Prevent them from using a competing service

Twitter banned a slew of users who flocked to Gab. Now, instead of being challenged by opposing views, they created their own echo-chamber. After a mentally ill member shot up a Synagogue, instead of reflecting on how driving dissenting views into the dark is dangerous, Apple, Google, Medium, Joyent, Stripe, PayPal, Shopify, BitPay and Coinbase “no-platformed” the alternative to Twitter. Their dodging of a week-long PR challenge served to only drive Gab and it’s users further underground.

Google and their pals in the MSM

Google-search something in the news. Your results will be NBC, NYTimes, CNN, Washington Post, BBC, The Guardian, and occasionally NPR and even Fox News. Then you get the secondary social-justice wrags like Vice, Vox, Mic, Jezebel, and of course BuzzFeed. This is on purpose; not only has Google’s Ad Sense payment model fed the beast of outrage culture to get clicks (and therefore, money), they put the most popular arbiters of clickbait garbage first and rank opposing views lower if they even link to them. They essentially have a cyclical economy of clickbait for ad dollars that relies on creating outrage.

As biased and dishonest Snopes report that Google search manipulation is a “Breitbart conspiracy theory,” CNBC reported Google’s search manipulation in 2015. Google manipulates information of any company that tries to do anything Google wants to be the sole provider of, including how news sites rank in search results. Since so many companies rely on Google, they have no choice but to try to play by their rules.

However, Alphabet (Google’s Parent Corporation) CEO from 2011–2015 Eric Schmidt started The Groundwork to give Hillary Clinton the engineering and tech advantage in her campaign, including former Google exec Stephanie Hannon working as the campaign’s CTO. A study by warned that what they called the “Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEMU)” was a “serious threat to democracy.”

Google and all of Silicon Valley panicked as their efforts didn’t work, and it’s no coincidence that after the 2016 election were the “crackdowns” across all of their platforms. These firms, many having received funding from CIA fronts and guided by state operatives, are trying like hell to control elections. They’re finding the enclaves where the silent majority reside and trying to censor them. They’re pressuring ISPs and Web Hosts to block and shut down web sites and burying others, and taking a stance against crypto-currency. If Google says jump, and you think Visa and Mastercard aren’t going to say “how high?” I hope you can trade your jewelry for food.

Ostracization for being “offensive”

In a recent video, Count Dankula, a Scottish Youtube Comedian who made a satirical video of trying to get his girlfriend not to be so obsessed with their pug by making the pug do a Roman Salute (Nazi hand thing to hysterical folks), explained his entire channel was demonetized. He was charged by the UK government for “offensive speech” which used an outdated communications law to charge him. Even though the point of making the pug unlikable by making him a Nazi is that Nazis are bad, the media has slandered him as a Nazi and anti-semite (and a slew of other slurs) to the point that he can’t get a job. Demonetized by Youtube, Patreon is sure to follow, leaving him a sliver of hope to monetize his content.

The UK has yet to condemn the “Nazi Pug” to extermination

Gavin McInnes, who is married to a native American, started Vice with a Pakistani-Canadian muslim, ran a website with African American Derrick Bowles, and collaborates with people of all stripes, has been slandered as a white supremacist and Nazi coincidentally since declaring his support for Donald Trump. He formed the Proud Boys (named after a song in the Aladdin musical he thought was hilariously bad) as a men’s fraternal drinking club, akin to the Elk’s Lodge, with the only unifying idea was that Western Civilization was the best and okay to be proud of. There are white, black, Hispanic, Jewish, Asian and whatever in the Proud Boys. One arrested in New York for fighting Antifa members had children with his black wife, yet was labeled a “white supremacist.”

McInnes was banned from Twitter, banned by Instagram (98% pictures of pancakes or clothes), demonetized by Youtube, fired after Glen Beck merged with CRTV, and was advised to end his affiliation with the Proud Boys so that NYC judges would take it easy on assault cases against Proud Boy members. He has said he constantly threatens libel against publications, and is suing the Southern Poverty Law Center for claiming the Proud Boys are a hate group.

Neither Dankula or McInnes are racist, neither have any affiliation with the “Alt-Right.” They’re both libertarian, don’t follow the laws of Political Correctness, and want the government to leave them alone. For this, they’re ostracized.

Even if you believe everything said about the individuals mentioned, and you hate them, what do you think the logical conclusion of a system that can take away one’s ability to make and spend money is? Do you think a corporate-state monster with that authoritarian power won’t use it against you if you make the slightest mistake in your thinking?




Mike Hunt
Economic Secession

Haterade Mainliner, Bastard progeny of King James V, crypto thousandaire, anti-suffrage crusader, decorative hermit.