Economic Secession

Mike Hunt
Economic Secession
Published in
6 min readFeb 4, 2019

When the Market No Longer Includes You

Imagine a near-monopoly on what you read, hear, see and search online; one company owning almost all information available to you. Imagine their unlimited ability to steer your opinions, censor opposing views, and craft your world view. Imagine that monopoly censoring opposing views, removing people’s entire income, and allowing the public to call for violence against those deemed as “dissidents.” Many would say they’re fine with this monopoly, as long as if it aligns with their views.

This monopoly already exists. It’s not one corporation that owns them all, even though most are owned by international corporations or financed by billionaires. It’s an ideological monopoly, one so angry their data got a presidential election wrong that it has resorted to blatant propaganda and dehumanizing their supposed “enemy.” The same monopoly failed to accurately report public sentiment in a movement to leave the European Union, shamed a demographic into voting for a president now being opposed by a non-partisan nationwide coalition the monopoly blames on “gas taxes” and buries the story in the media.

This monopoly knows it can get away with its lies because it has a built-in customer base of those who graduated with degrees that feed the monopoly. The students rarely profit from their degree, but make enough to feed the monopoly. They give the monopoly the power to continue to feed them information suited just for them, a cyclical process that radicalizes the viewer and requires more lying by the monopoly to keep their customers hitting the dopamine drip of the news feed.

The monopoly is powerful enough to remove people’s ability to earn money. After the monopoly created the means to make money on the internet. They respond to their base’s hysteria over anyone they disagree with and pressure the monopoly to take away their ability to communicate online and to earn money doing it, after which the monopoly dehumanizes them to the general public, preventing them from making money locally. The monopoly allows for calls for violence against people they deem willing to dehumanize. They force people to run to other platforms, and then demonize them and pressure payment processors and web hosts to remove them, let alone make it so that anyone searching for them can’t find it online.

It’s okay for their masked radicals to assault us with bike locks, to throw urine on us, assault us, DOX us, because the monopoly will be there to back up the radicals with outright slander. It’s okay for their pundits to make racist statements on live TV with no threat of repercussion, against the perceived majority race of their opponent or anyone of another race sharing the same opinion. They are entirely obsessed with race after years of lessons to “judge people by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin.”

The culture the monopoly is happy to include in their programming, both covertly and overtly, is a culture which judges people on an un-scientific measurement of their victimhood, impossible to fight because there are cases of actual victimhood which they can blame on the group they claim are the oppressive majority to support their profitable ideology.

The marginalized groups are victims; they are victims not only of their circumstance but of political and corporate interests that can gain support based upon the framework their education provided for the monopoly to exploit: you are defined by your group, your group is defined by your skin color, then by gender, then by sexual proclivity, then by your ability to identify as a gender, then by your ability in comparison to the average person. Not by the content of your character, but by characteristics you were born with. Armed with resentment, they unwittingly do the bidding of the people who hammered this ideology in their head. As explained by Soviet defectors, including Yuri Bezmenov, this is the “demoralization” phase in the ideological subversion of the West:

“In the future these people will be simply squashed like cockroaches. Nobody is going to pay them nothing for their beautiful, noble ideas of equality. This they don’t understand and it will be the greatest shock for them, of course…when a military boot crashes his balls, then he will understand. But not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.”

The Ideological Monopoly

The monopoly include Google, Facebook, and Twitter, who hand over a false sample of demographic data to CNN, MSNBC/NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, BBC, CBC, Time, Newsweek, The Economist, Rolling Stone, and every subsidiary channel and publication under similar conglomerate ownership. The monopoly speaks for the international banks and the politicians that serve their interests, and attack viciously if an opponent dare stand in their way. This of course is financially supported by a vast portion of society, subverted by universities and public schools, infiltrated for decades by people who think that if they controlled everything, they’d be able to implement their “utopia” in ways that Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler couldn’t.

The monopoly tries to silence by demonetization, suspensions, and banning. “They have the right to do it, it’s a private company,” say the “libertarians.” That should be true, except they apply their rules differently based on political association, which is discriminatory.

“freedom of association is an essential part of freedom of speech because, in many cases, people can engage in effective speech only when they join with others.” US Supreme Court, NAACP vs. Alabama

In modern reality, these monopoly social media platforms are amplifying preferred speech while censoring speech their executives disagree with. “You are allowed by law to have free speech, but you don’t have the rights of others to share that speech.” They have taken every step to drive dissenting ideas into the underground, and then ban those platforms in collusion with payment processors such as PayPal, Stripe, Visa, Mastercard, Amex, and even Coinbase, the largest fiat entry into cryptocurrency.

If the goal is to eventually make it impossible for dissidents to participate in the economy, to get jobs, to get paid for their work, to spend currency, then consider this publication an open forum on ways for us to discuss the lose network of technologies and companies that offer ways in which people can communicate, get paid, and spend money free of the corporate-state fiat system.

The “Economic Secession”

Much of what will be discussed in this publication will have to do with cryptocurrency and blockchains and the various approaches different projects take to fight censorship, challenge state fiat systems, and reinvent the internet free from censorship, search manipulation, “fake news,” and state propaganda. While many are working towards a big picture, those who have been smeared and de-platformed; while discussions on the “big picture” will take place, so will utilizing the various means available now.

Before this publication is smeared, it should be noted that it has no overt political affiliation; it is essentially about using modern means to reinforce the voluntary exchange of goods and services between people, freedom of association, freedom of speech, and anti-authoritarianism. Yes, it is opposed to State Socialism, Keynesian economics, reserve currency, and corporate-state collusion, as these are the natural enemies of the universal rights stated above. If they smear, they will face legal repercussion.

The right of people to have different ideas should not be infringed by the threat of taking their ability to earn and spend money or being silenced and pushed to the dark corners of society. Unfortunately, the dark corners are filling up fast, and we’ll need our own means of exchange.



Mike Hunt
Economic Secession

Haterade Mainliner, Bastard progeny of King James V, crypto thousandaire, anti-suffrage crusader, decorative hermit.