Next generation value creation

Economic Space Agency
Economic Spacing
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2017

What is the next competitive advantage? What is the next value creation layer?

1. Smart contracts allow the design of more longer term and more multidimensional P2P relational value space among people than just secure, verifiable, non-forgeable value transactions (bitcoin).

2. This means that organizations, communities, ways of interacting and ways of doing things together, sharing stakes and risks are becoming programmable. The coming of economic and financial forms is the future, how they are defined is a design question. This is what opens up an multiple interesting paths of possibilities.

A natural blockchain

3. Why? The stateless HTTP web protocol needed data layers for any application functionality. The organization of the “state” of the data layer was provided by the winners of yesterday: Google/search, Facebook/social, eBay/commerce. This allowed them to capture the value and drove the centralization of the web. But the business model/value capture model based on centralized control of the data layer is becoming obsolete: you can’t have a competitive advantage based on the control of the data state anymore when we know (thanks to blockchain) how to keep a “state” in a decentralized way. So, what is the new competitive advantage going to be based on? What is the new value creation layer? The answer is simple: with different ways for people to govern themselves, to belong and interact, to share stakes and ownerships, to recognize & offer value, to open joint opportunities, to risk and speculate together. This is what we mean by economic space. They are modular protocols of interaction, of economic cooperation, of value and risk creation and distribution. This is the next value creation layer.

4. GRAVITY (protocols creation tool) + SPACE (protocol governance & economic logic design platform) is a fully fledged protocols creation tool and governance design platform. We are a next generation value creation tool, a production machinery for the creation of value.

GRAVITY is a new way to enable the creation of smart contracts. It makes possible that private contracts or contracts among small groups are also as secure, resilient, verifiable, replicable, fully traceable and unforgeable as public contracts on Ethereum. The key here is the integration of the secure, verifiable and distributed computing via cryptographic capability enabled smart contracts (e-right, Dr. SES) with decentralized, verifiable applications modeled on blockchain (like bitcoin for example). Here is Mark S. Miller, the original Xanadu architect, describing how we actually resolve the longstanding disagreement with him and Nick Szabo:

SPACE platform is the first portal/interface which makes GRAVITY easily usable. It is the launch pad for rapid creation and deployment of modular, remixable and interoperable economic spaces (flexible, modular littleDAOs): formats for people to govern themselves, to belong and interact, to participate, to share stakes and ownerships, to open joint opportunities, to risk and speculate together.

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