First step on a long, long journey

Economic Theory for Everyone
1 min readNov 3, 2014

I am starting an ambitious project to explain economic theory to the intelligent reader who does not have specialized mathematical knowledge.

I believe this is an important task that my colleagues in the economic profession have not attempted. I also believe that I can do it well and that I will learn better how to do it as I go along. Ideally, the final product, which will likely take years to complete, will be something of value for a general audience, not just the few specialists who read my published academic articles.

I am starting this project here on, because I like its editor, I like the ability it offers visitors to comment on individual paragraphs, I like its social media integration, and I like that it does not claim ownership of my creation. Eventually, I intend to download my drafts from Medium and publish a refined version of the entire work on my personal blog.

Having so committed myself, I now turn to an outline of the project as it is in my mind at this moment. I pledge to try my hardest to make every part of this understandable. Comments will be very much appreciated.



Economic Theory for Everyone

Professional economist, amateur singer (bass), avid reader, computer programming perpetual newbie.