The Economist Launches “Checks and Balance”, A Suite of New Products Ahead of US Elections

A new hub and podcast alongside Instagram stories will provide rigorous, fair-minded analysis of the election that will impact us all

Editor: Economist Group Media
Economist Group Media
3 min readMar 19, 2020


The Economist has announced that it is expanding coverage ahead of the US presidential election by launching a new 2020 podcast, online hub, newsletter and Instagram stories called “Checks and Balance”. They are accompanied by a comprehensive marketing campaign aimed at increasing readership and subscribers.

The weekly “Checks and Balance” podcast is hosted by John Prideaux, New York bureau chief, Charlotte Howard, and Washington correspondent, Jon Fasman. During each 30-minute episode, the three hosts, together with a cast of The Economist correspondents from around the world, go beyond the horse race to dig into an important theme shaping the political landscape in America.

The “Checks and Balance” hub is a guide and repository for the newspaper’s best analysis of America’s 2020 elections — the candidates, the campaigns, the polls and the policies. Our data-journalism team has also built three interactive polling models for:

  • The Presidency
  • The 35 Senate seats up for grabs
  • The 435 seats in the House of Representatives

These are supported via twice-monthly “Checks and Balance” Instagram stories. Here the focus is on the big topics shaping the 2020 race including: socialism in America, immigration, money in politics, and more. Going live on Thursdays, they are visible for 24 hours and then archived in the highlights reel, where they remain visible until the next story is published two weeks later.

Now, more than ever, audiences crave independent, trusted and fair-minded journalism — particularly when it comes to the 2020 election in America. This suite of new products offers our clients a brand-safe environment to reach a highly engaged audience when it matters most.

We’re delighted to be able to offer customisable advertising opportunities for the “Checks and Balance” products, including:

  • Online takeovers: 100% SOV of the Homepage, US Election Hub and US section
  • Audio: sponsorship of “Checks and Balance” weekly podcast
  • Social: 100% SOV in 2x monthly “Checks and Balance “Instagram Story

Who can be reached? An educated, employed and affluent audience:

  • 82% bachelor’s degree+ | 46% graduate degree+
  • 75% employed full-time
  • 40% business purchase decision-makers
  • 34% annual HHI of $100,000+
  • 62% have taken any action after listening to an advertisement within a podcast

To find out more about the “Checks and Balance” advertising opportunities, contact your account representative or email

