Addressing climate change with The Economist Group

Fresh opportunities for advertising with purpose

Editor: Economist Group Media
Economist Group Media
3 min readMay 7, 2020


The Economist Group has launched a variety of advertising and sponsorship opportunities for the wide range of climate change editorial products The Economist is launching throughout 2020.

Climate change touches everything The Economist reports on and as an advocate for positive change in the world, The Economist has been championing that the climate change revolution must begin now.

“Climate change is sometimes portrayed as something capitalism cannot deal with — or worse, does not want to deal with. That is not our view. Our reporting clearly shows the scale and scope of the problem; we accept that it cannot be solved simply; but we think free markets, smart regulation and liberal values are the key to an effective response.”

Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist, upon release of The Economist’s dedicated climate change issue in September 2019.

And The Economist readers agree:

  • 71% of Economist subscribers believe that climate change is one of the most important topics to keep informed about in 2020.
  • 82% are very concerned about environmental issues.
  • 85% are interested in their company’s corporate social responsibility program.
  • We reach 45% of Environmental protection related services Decision Makers.

Sponsorship Opportunities:

  • The Economist climate briefs — May 2020
    These two-page articles aimed at educating people about climate change launched in April and will be published weekly in print through to 23rd May. After the sixth brief is published there will be a PDF available for download from with the entire series of articles.
  • Economist Films: climate briefs series sponsorship — 23 May 2020
    Our films unit represents The Economist’s journalism in moving image and will bring our written climate briefs to life in a four-part new series analysing the key aspects of climate change.
  • The World If supplement — 4th July 2020
    This annual supplement moves beyond future-gazing predictions, and into exploration of ‘what if’ scenarios, designed to upend conventional wisdom, to stretch thinking and leap into unexpected possibilities. This year it will focus on scenarios for a warming world and will look at some of the less obvious consequences of climate change over the next 30 years.
  • The World If podcast — Once a month to September
    This podcast series will feature six episodes released once a month from April to September. It will bring to life the speculative, mind-stretching scenarios featured in the annual supplement but tailored for the audio platform. This year’s coverage to focus on climate topics.
  • Special report: business and climate change — 19 September 2020
    This report will examine all the climate risks and opportunities that businesses face. It will explore the question of how much businesses will have to change to survive in a net-zero world, with more severe and less predictable weather patterns. It will explain why businesses are struggling to respond to climate change today and how they can best adapt in the future.
  • Economist Events — October 2020
    Economist Events hosts The Economist’s climate-focused editorial content in both live and virtual events. The annual Sustainability Summit and the Climate Risk Summit draw together the most influential speakers for in-depth interviews, panel discussions and roundtable workshops on the key topics.
  • Bespoke opportunities
    There are a range of bespoke, unique opportunities available including custom podcasts or films series.

To learn more about sponsorship opportunities around our climate coverage, please contact your account representative or email

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