Preparing for a Springboard bootcamp application

Nick McLoota
Economist to Data Scientist
2 min readSep 7, 2018

Here I will explain the application process Springboard uses.

I applied to Springboard’s 6-month Data Science bootcamp about two weeks ago when I saw their $7,500 price tag (less than half of Metis’s 12-week bootcamp). The application process is very straightforward and doesn’t take much time at all.

I am not to the portion where I have a take-home test. I need to study. How can I know what is on the test.

I took a practice exam, and had to look up the very first challenge: a simple calculation of the sum of a list.

def listsum(numList):
theSum = 0
for i in numList:
theSum = theSum + i
return theSum

They left some of the code blank, and I had to fill in the rest. I will give an update when I take the real exam.

They gave me an extension on the take-home test deadline

I’m not sure if this is to be taken the wrong way, but on the night that the take-home test was due, I asked for an extension. If you’re keeping up with the publication you will know that I have two jobs and run a company, so I don’t have much time to study, let alone write these notebook entries. However, I asked for an extension, and the gladly granted it to me.

This may mean that they have low numbers, they may like my initial resume and screening, but to be honest, it might just be because they’ll take anyone’s money whom applies.

Hopefully it is not the latter, and it was all in good faith. Anyhow, I will be posting my notes studying for the test. They might be messy, and I don’t care. Just saving my work in a better place than my own computer’s storage.

author == Nick

