Get Real: This is How We Foster a Feminist Economic Future

On February 22, AEOO hosted a Zoom of Our Own conversation on feminist economic futures and how we can truly “build back better” after COVID-19 and the uprisings for justice we’ve seen recently — by addressing the she-cession caused by the pandemic and the underlying racism, sexism, and economic inequality that it has highlighted.

Victoria DeFrancesco Soto, the LBJ School’s associate dean for civic engagement and lead author of the white paper “America’s Recovery from the 2020 ‘Shecession’: Building a Female Future of Childcare and Work,” explained how women have been shortchanged during the pandemic and what needs to change — at home, at work and in our culture — to ensure we don’t lose generations of progress. Karen Bassarab, senior program officer with the Food Communities and Public Health Program at The Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future, helped us suss out what is needed to build a resilient and equitable global food system. Farah Tanis, executive director of Black Women’s Blueprint, laid out powerful visions for a future in which Black women — and therefore all of us — are truly free. Led in conversation by AEOO’s Digital Director Carmen Rios — a feminist superstar who has been writing about workplace inequality, working-class women, and feminism beyond capitalism for over 10 years — our panel also shared actions we can take to to begin building an economy of our own.

Below is the video and the curriculum from the event for further reading, exploring, and sharing! Don’t forget to check out our Resource Library for even more feminist economic goodness.

(PS: The conversation/webinar series will continue. Check out our events here!)

For Further Learning about a Feminist Future:

Learn More about Overcoming the Covid-19 She-cession:

Learn More about Black Women’s Economic Leadership:

Learn More About the Future of Food Post-Covid:

And Finally:



An Economy of Our Own Alliance
An Economy of Our Own Blog

Virginia Woolf said a woman needs a room of her own. We think women need an economy of their own, too.