Help us reach our 2024 goal!

As this year comes to a close, I’m writing one last time to invite you to join AEOO’s Giving Circle.

If you haven’t yet, please join our Giving Circle before the end of 2023 so AEOO can continue our important work for a more equitable economy. And if you’re already pledging a monthly gift, please consider doubling it this month with an additional one-time donation.

Every gift, big and small, enables AEOO to amplify the voices of diverse feminist voices too often discounted by the mainstream.

Next year marks a serious American pivot point, determining whether we’ll preserve our imperfect moves toward a more perfect union and democracy, or collapse into a Kraken world of autocracy, lies, and violence. Think of this pivot point, not in need of another military tactic, but of an awe-inspiring dance move — a sweeping change in economic purpose and direction.

Our alliance of feminist economic writers and activists is poised to pivot next year, too. We’re ready to do more with your support.

Like you, we’re looking at our budget and building a future. We know we’ll only be able to expand our woman-friendly resources and make them more widely available with your help.


Our feminist alliance rejects and reimagines an economy now waged as war, mansplained for 2500 years to enrich a small number of “victors” of a particular gender, race, and privilege. This same warring money system dismisses as “externalities,” the damages it leaves in its wake: extreme world poverty; the wreckage of our planet’s life from fossil fuels, nukes, and war; the exploding debts of American students; exploding costs of treating American illness; and importantly the monetization of our political system that enslaves politicians and highjacks our right to govern ourselves.

Most of our alliance work is done by professionals providing pro-bono services, as advisors and including those experts who join our Zoom of Our Own conversations. We value their generosity, stretching our tiny budget. But this isn’t a sustainable model, and changing the economy’s purpose is a long-term project.

This past year’s work was made possible by those volunteers and 134 gifts from our Giving Circle that ranged from $5 to $100/month. The average annual gift size was just $31 — and yet look at all this accomplished! To expand next year’s offerings during 2024’s pivotal year, we’ve set a goal of raising $47,500.

Be part of AEOO and put your end-of-year contributions to work for practical and on-the-ground feminist solutions.

In the face of what we’re up against, $47,500 is a tiny amount, ridiculous even. The Heritage Foundation with ties to billionaire oil baron Charles Koch, has generated a new GOP Plan for 2025. Its thousand pages are The Powell Memo on steroids. It would radically invest the powers of government in the president alone. No more balance of powers or independence of governing voices for we the people. Project 2025 programs, already underway to undo hard won climate measures, are reportedly funded by $22 million dollars, which is chump change for guys like Koch and Harlan Crowe.

While times are tough, especially for those of us who most need a change in economic purpose, building for the future isn’t as impossible as it may first appear. When we dare look at the numbers, if just 1532 women (and the men who love us) invest $31 in An Economy of Our Own for 2024, we’ll meet our goal of $47,500! Those of you who already give might even be moved to give a bit more.

Please give now to support our work in the coming year. You can be sure penny-wise women will use it for the long-term.

With hope for the year ahead,
Rickey Gard Diamond, AEOO Founder



An Economy of Our Own Alliance
An Economy of Our Own Blog

Virginia Woolf said a woman needs a room of her own. We think women need an economy of their own, too.