Join Us for the Long Haul!

Our feminist economic alliance was inspired by Virginia Woolf, who said women who wanted to voice their own ideas needed two things: an income and a room of her own. But by 2020, we’d learned that women really needed An Economy of Our Own!

Research shows that women tend to reject Wall Street’s winner-takes-all attitude toward money. Our feminist alliance rejects and reimagines an economy now waged as war, mansplained for 2500 years to enrich a small number of “victors” of a particular gender, race, and privilege.

Together, we can rewrite the script of an economy waged as war — and build one waged as life.

The economy has so many parts. An Economy of Our Own makes micro-and-macro economics more personal, exciting women’s curiosity about a forbidden, intimidating realm, and instead inspiring confidence and new ideas, or sometimes reclaiming lost history.

Like you, we’re looking at our budget and building a future. We know we’ll only be able to expand our woman-friendly resources and make them more widely available with your help.

Please consider joining An Economy of Our Own’s Giving Circle today to sustain our work.

Most of our alliance work is done by professionals providing pro-bono services, as advisors and including those experts who join our Zoom of Our Own conversations. We value their generosity, stretching our tiny budget. But this isn’t a sustainable model, and changing the economy’s purpose is a long-term project.

This past year’s work was made possible by those volunteers and 134 gifts from our Giving Circle that ranged from $5 to $100/month. The average annual gift size was just $31 — and yet look at all this accomplished!

To expand next year’s offerings during 2024’s pivotal year, we’ve set a goal of raising $47,500.

We need your help to reach our fundraising goal.

While times are tough, especially for those of us who most need a change in economic purpose, building for the future isn’t as impossible as it may first appear.

When we dare look at the numbers, if just 1532 women (and the men who love us) invest $31 in An Economy of Our Own for 2024, we’ll meet our goal of $47,500!

With your support, we can move the vision of a feminist economy forward. Those of you who already give might even be moved to give a bit more.

You can be sure penny-wise women will use it for the long-term.



An Economy of Our Own Alliance
An Economy of Our Own Blog

Virginia Woolf said a woman needs a room of her own. We think women need an economy of their own, too.