Put your dollars to work for feminist solutions!

Next year marks a serious American pivot point, determining whether we’ll preserve our imperfect moves toward a more perfect union and democracy, or collapse into a Kraken world of autocracy, lies, and violence. Think of this pivot point, not in need of another tactic, but of an awe-inspiring dance move — a sweeping change in economic purpose and direction.

An Economy of Our Own is poised to pivot next year, too — and we need your support. Be part of AEOO and put your end of year dollars to work for progressive feminist solutions.

What can women’s united and informed economic voices add to the expected battles of 2024?

With your support, we can replace those patriarchal fighting words — “Here’s how you make a killing,” “here’s how you win” — with our daily love that sings and dances and shares despite everything.

Our feminist alliance rejects and reimagines an economy now waged as war, mansplained for 2500 years to enrich a small number of “victors” of a particular gender, race, and privilege. This same warring money system dismisses as “externalities,” the damages it leaves in its wake: extreme world poverty; the wreckage of our planet’s life from fossil fuels, nukes, and war; the exploding debts of American students; exploding costs of treating American illness; and importantly the monetization of our political system that enslaves politicians and highjacks our right to govern ourselves.

The economy has so many parts, and we want to illuminate what matters most to you. We’re ready to do more with your support! Join An Economy of Our Own’s Giving Circle to sustain our work.

We’re creating an online resource library of woman-centered books, Zooms, websites, podcasts — focused on feminist economic thinking and topics you may not hear about on mainstream media. We also want to begin developing Learning Circles, other online courses, and book clubs to build women’s knowledge and civic action on subjects you’ve told us you want to know more about.

To expand our woman-friendly resources will take technical expertise and new platforms to help us connect and sustain women’s voices.

Your end of year gift will help expand our reach and build visibility for feminist solutions. Please give now.



An Economy of Our Own Alliance
An Economy of Our Own Blog

Virginia Woolf said a woman needs a room of her own. We think women need an economy of their own, too.