Share This Post With the Men in Your Life

We’re men supporting women’s economic voices with our donations — because, like you, we know the present system is rigged and we want change!

That’s why we’re investing in An Economy of Our Own.

You already know the economy that rules now. It’s waged as war by a small number of men of a particular race, class, and privileged education. It’s one in which the top 1% of Americans own more than the entire middle class. And it leaves out not just women, but most men, too.

Imagine not counting as costs and expenses our nation’s young parents, families, small business owners, labor, and the caretakers that we all count on — but instead counting them as the national assets they are.

Do we want profits for a few? Or prosperity for us all?

There are methods and ideas that are changing our economy’s purpose. Your donation to AEOO will fuel progressive, feminist economic solutions that help ALL of us.

The women at An Economy of Our Own are not debating or arguing in some quest to become famous money winners. Instead, they are talking openly together about economic solutions already helping more families and businesses and banks to cooperate and flourish in more democratic ways.

The myth of the self-made man hurts all of us. We all need care, and none of us would be here without it. Like you, we want an economy that reflects our values. We want women to flourish because that’s the only way our communities and families can! We fathers, uncles, and brothers care too — and that counts!

With 2024 nearly here, AEOO faces a crossroad. For three years, and on an amazing shoestring budget, AEOO has centered and amplified the voices of some of the most innovative and transformational women activists and thinkers from around the world, organizing conversations and sharing resources about topics like shared economies, worker power, housing equity, monetary reform, and financial trauma.

Let’s keep the conversation going. A $10, $25, $50 or $100 gift, one time or monthly, will help ensure AEOO’s growing community and influence.

We’re helping AEOO to expand its exposure, share more solution-based videos widely, and build an allied, informed community to lift up economic changes to care about.

We want this generation to be the last one that knows little about how our American economy works, because it surely will work better with more of us learning ways that enable all of us to flourish.

In solidarity,

Stephen McArthur
Paul Baicich
Nick Fritsch
Dan Jones
Albert Sabatini



An Economy of Our Own Alliance
An Economy of Our Own Blog

Virginia Woolf said a woman needs a room of her own. We think women need an economy of their own, too.