Sharing Women’s Ways of Knowing About Money: AEOO Features in “PEACE AND FREEDOM” Magazine!

“Last year, I got an important call from some friends who were WILPF women and who wanted to introduce me to Marybeth Gardam, the facilitator of WILPF’s recently renamed issue committee ‘Women, Money and Democracy,’” Rickey Gard Diamond—author of Screwnomics: How the Economy Works Against Women and Real Ways to Make Lasting Change and founder of AEOO—remembers in the latest edition of WILPF’s magazine, PEACE & FREEDOM. “She was convinced the women of WILPF would be interested, which delighted me. In the second chapter of Screwnomics, I had cited WILPF’s organizing back in 1915 and how a group of women went to The Hague to protest war threats that escalated into what we now call World War I. I said: Imagine how different history might be if men had only listened!”

That important call paved the way for An Economy of Our Own’s exploration of women’s ways of knowing about money, and the economic futures that are possible when we listen to and honor them.

Click here to read more of Rickey’s recalling of AEOO’s roots—and the future she’s envisioning with our work! Click here to learn more about WILPF and get involved.



An Economy of Our Own Alliance
An Economy of Our Own Blog

Virginia Woolf said a woman needs a room of her own. We think women need an economy of their own, too.