Transforming a Mansplained Economy

Wall Street’s economy waged as war has brought us what war always brings: huge inequality, loss, and ruin. Its winners require a great many losers.

An economy waged as life can be different. It cooperates and collaborates. Its life-serving purpose requires women, mothers, and caregivers of all races, genders, and creeds to be put at the center of economic well-being. And unlike Wall Street, it is anything but exclusive.

We are focused on important ways to move to a more caring economy, one that wages life not war. Please consider joining An Economy of Our Own’s Giving Circle before the end of the year to help us move the vision of a feminist economy forward.

This year, through a series of accessible online workshops with incredible women advocates and experts, we explored new ratios to measure how well we’re really doing as individuals and as a society, beyond the GDP. We analyzed and organized around public banking. We looked at the benefits and practicalities of cooperative worker-owned businesses, and of shared equity in housing. We considered currency reform for the foundational benefits it could offer the economy, and new women’s leadership in a growing worker movement.

We also organized a second Public Banking Learning Circles to provide deeper understanding and important action steps to a small but mighty group of passionate women — an economic consciousness-raising group, and a safe place to learn and support each other on unfamiliar ground. In 2023, we’ll be creating a facilitator guide to accompany a DIY kit of video-and-written learning tools so that these spaces can take shape across the country.

We seek to empower women to talk across race and class lines about pathways toward wider prosperity — ways we can all thrive, not just barely survive. And we are counting on YOU to help us amplify women’s voices, including your own!

Please join our Giving Circle before the end of 2022 so AEOO can continue our important work for a more equitable economy.

We’re so grateful for those who give us 10 and 20 dollars a month — providing us with the foundation we need to share our resources and collective knowledge. But even a one-time gift makes a big difference.

That great organizer of life-changing women’s cooperatives in India, Ela Bhatt, described women’s situation this way: “We are poor, but we are so many!”

In a growing movement of shared strength and solidarity, we are unstoppable.



An Economy of Our Own Alliance
An Economy of Our Own Blog

Virginia Woolf said a woman needs a room of her own. We think women need an economy of their own, too.