We’re Envisioning and Advancing Women’s Economic Ingenuity

This Giving Tuesday, we’re writing to invite you into AEOO’s Giving Circle — a group of supporters whose consistent, sustainable support will provide us with a powerful foundation for the work we do, building women’s confidence, supporting women’s solutions.

The last two years have shined a harsh light on the cracks in an old economy we’ve long known hurts women most, especially women of color. But women are challenging old linear ideas about inputs and outputs for markets and money, insisting on a more circular whole economy that productively sustains climate, water, soil — and our people, too.

Our economy needs more of their voices. That’s why An Economy of Our Own works to convene them, connect them, and amplify them. Together, we’re flipping the script on a male-dominated economy and calling for broader prosperity and real progress.

Will you join us in envisioning and advancing a woman-inspired economy? Every gift, big or small, invests in our future.

“I come to this work not as an expert in public banking or cooperatives, but as an expert in understanding that the way our economy works is set up now simply was not built to uplift women — in particular black women — and that we need to come up with alternative solutions,” Jhumpa Bhattacharya shared during one of AEOO’s Zoom of Our Own conversations. “We control the economy. We are the economy.”

Here at AEOO, we’re also building a better one. Our Zoom of Our Own conversations have engaged people across the country in the movement to advance cooperative businesses and public banking; revealed new measures beyond the GDP that would make our caring visible; discussed the federal reserve, monetary reform, and how to invest to support what we value; described what we all need for a friendlier feminist future; and helped us envision ways of working from the ground up to ensure healthy food and clean water on farms and in cities too, all good for Earth’s climate. This year we also launched our first Learning Circle — a guided, multi-week course designed to inform and empower grassroots activists in communities across the country to take action on issues of economic justice.

Please consider joining An Economy of Our Own’s Giving Circle before the end of 2021 to help us move the vision of a feminist economy forward.

I’m so proud of all we’ve accomplished in our first two years here at AEOO. We’ve built a thriving alliance of powerful women and feminist organization whose voices reframe economic change the world desperately needs and inspire us to rewrite an economic script written by and for men.

We need your help to sustain and further grow what we’re building together. You can help us shine a light on more women economic activists. You can help us turn up the volume of their voices. Together, we can create an economy that wages restoring, regenerating life — not a war of extraction and consumption.

We wouldn’t have made it this far without you. Together, we can build something even bigger.



An Economy of Our Own Alliance
An Economy of Our Own Blog

Virginia Woolf said a woman needs a room of her own. We think women need an economy of their own, too.