We’re grateful for the economic wisdom of women.

We’re clearly up against it: I’ve felt scared and sometimes overwhelmed by corrupt money’s domination and its growing white supremacist violence. But women’s intelligent voices, like yours and the we’ve been able to amplify at An Economy of Our Own, keep me from despair.

Women’s solutions to a system that shortchanges most of us are wonderfully diverse and practical. Supposedly, we women would rather talk about death than about money, but I think the truth is women are sick to death of hearing money talk in a male voice. He says only money is our measure, and that’s nonsense. Our creativity and essential relationships have always undergirded this economy, but now women must be partners in power and listened to.

This Thanksgiving, I wanted to share some of the wisdom that we’ve heard in our Zoom of Our Own conversations at AEOO—something I hope you’ll be grateful for, too.

PS: If you found these perspectives powerful, please join our Giving Circle and invest in female ingenuity. Your tax-deductible dollars will help us to foster the transformation of our economy from one waged as war to one born of creativity and relationships, bearing our trust and generosity.



An Economy of Our Own Alliance
An Economy of Our Own Blog

Virginia Woolf said a woman needs a room of her own. We think women need an economy of their own, too.