EF Grant Recipient List 2018

James Duncan
Ecosystem Development
3 min readDec 19, 2019

Please see other grants in the ecosystem here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13Z6HHMG0DhB_eUEmQUWr_OIOLpdCC03bYwi7pGmbkXc/edit#gid=0


State Channels

L4 Research — $1.5M. State channels research.

Non-Custodial Payment Channel Hub​​ — $420K. Payment upon delivery for the open source SDK release built by Spankchain, Kyokan, and Connext at Devcon 4

Prototypal​​ — $375K. Front-end state channel research and development.

Force Move Game Framework — $300K. Force move games state channel framework

Perun — $250K. State shannels R&D.

PISA by Patrick McCorry et al — $250K. State channels R&D.

Finality Labs​​ ​​– $250K. Development of Forward-Time Locked Contracts (FTLC).

Sprite Implementation by Enuma for OAX — $200K. Payment channels implementation.

ETH 2.0 Serenity Grants

Prysmatic Labs — $100K. Sharding implementation.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center — $50K. Sharding simulation.

Sigma Prime​​ — $150K. Lighthouse Eth 2.0 client in Rust.

Prysmatic Labs — $500K. Eth 2.0 Prysm client.

Status ​​– $500K. Eth 2.0 client in Nim.

Harmony — $90K. Minimal sharding and random beacon chain

Lindsey Gray​​ — $10K. Development of C++ BLS-381 implementation.

Chinese Academy of Science Team — $5K. Sharding R&D.

Pseudo-randomly selected committees — $10K. Sharding R&D


General Computation on Plasma by Parsec Labs — $50K. Plasma implementation.

Kyokan-Plasma — $50K. Plasma implementation.

Fourth State: Plasma (B@B) — $32K. Plasma implementation.

Plasma Taiwan Dev — $25K. Plasma implementation.

Kyokan​​ ​​– $250K. Development of production ready mainnet Plasma Cash & Debit plugins.

New Client

Nethermind — $50K. .NET client implementation

Client Optimizations

Turbo Geth — $25K. Geth optimization.

ZK Grants

StarkWare — $4M with 6K ETH Performance-based Bounties. Development of standards report and production-quality software for optimized STARK-friendly hash functions and tooling

EthSnarks​​ ​​– $40K. Development of a cross-compatible SDK for zkSNARKS to be viable on Ethereum.

Cross Chain

Atomic Cross-Chain Transactions — $65K. Research led by Maurice Herlihy of Brown University.


Community Education

ETHGlobal — $200K. World-class developer conferences for Ethereum

Cryptoeconomics.study — $35K. Buidling a textbook and coursework


Ethers.js — $25K. Web3.js alternative.

Solium — $10K. Solidity static analyzer.

Vipnode — $35K. Light client node service.

Ethdoc​​ — $25K. Open source tool for organization and interaction of smart contract codebases.

Ethers.js​​ — $25K. Support for ricmoo to continue development and maintenance of Ethers.js.

Solidity Resolver Engine — $50K. Universal API tool


WalletConnect — $150K. Web browser/wallet SDK.

iOS Dev Kit by Piggy.finance — $50K. Ethereum + iOS MVVM Starter Project.

Etherkit by vault.io — $50K. iOS development SDK.

BrowsEth — $25K. Typescript javascript library toolbox.


Yakindu IDE — $95K. Eclipse-based IDE

Etheratom — $45K. Atomized solidity IDE

Block Explorer

TrueBlocks ​​– $120K. Open source block explorer.

VulcanizeDB ​​– $75K. “Community sourced” block explorer.

Buidler ​​– $50K. Development of modular alternative to Truffle based on Ethers.js.

Bounty Platform

Gitcoin​​ — $100K. Funding bounties on Gitcoin.

Kauri​​ — $25K. Funding documentation bounties on Kauri.

Gitcoin — $25K. Developer bounty platform.


Pop Wallet — $100K. Open-source web wallet.

Trust Wallet — $30K. Open-source mobile wallet.


thaEth — $20K. Gnosis Safe UI Design

Magic Money Tree (Dark Crystal) — $50K. Tool for securely storing and recovering keys and secrets through a multisig design by the Secure Scuttlebutt Team.

Alex Komarov — $10K. Key management UX study

Consumer Product

ENS Foundation — $1M. Address name service.

DDA — $100K. Tokenless decentralized derivatives network + state channels R&D

DappNode — $250K. Mass full node adoption

Uniswap — $100k. DEX framework

Etherlinker — $10K. Unreal Engine 4 API for Ethereum



Zeppelin — $430K. Solidity compiler audit (co-sponsor with Augur).

Formal Verification

Runtime Verification — $500K. Casper contract formal verification.

Kestrel Institute — $400K. Formal verification of cryptographic primitives

Security Tools

Cedille — $50K. Smart contract formal verification tool.

SecureEth — $30K. Standard software development guidelines.

ICE Center at ETH Zurich — $185K. ICE Center research and tooling development


Pyramid — $30K. Smart contract language

Flintstones — $120K. Further development of the Flint Language including a security focused IDE by Susan Eisenbach of Imperial College London.

Flint Programming Language — $10K. Safety-focused smart contract language.


Richard Littauer — $10K. Developer onboarding documentation.

Chris Spannos — $10K. Developer onboarding documentation.

Ankit Raj — $10K. Technical writing for Geth and Solidity.

(Anonymous) — $10K. Deterministic WebAssembly.

Elizabeth Binks​​ — $10K. Ring signature implementation with nine or more keys.

* DevEx Grant — Improves developer experience (“useful” for developers).

** #buidl Grant — Builds for the end user (“useful” for users).

