The Urban Food Streets of Buderim

Nilmini De Silva
Eco-living Journeys
3 min readMar 8, 2019


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” ~Margaret Mead

It was wonderful to be finally walking the streets of Buderim in the Sunshine Coast, now possibly one of the more well known suburbs in Australia, after an ABC program on their project went viral. We had often used this suburb as an example of what can be achieved through collaboration in the streets where you live but we had never passed through here previously. As we pulled up to park, a group of neighbours who were chatting came up to say hello. We knew right away, we had arrived in a place that was not only striving to be environmentally and economically sustainable; they were also far more socially sustainable than many neighbourhoods in Australia.

As we headed toward Banana Street, we bump into Duncan. He was on his way to do some planting with some of the kids in the street but he stops to chat. It was a conversation with his neighbour about the price of limes that first kick started this project, so we are excited to be hearing some of the stories first hand. Duncan a horticulturalist and Caroline, a local architect (who we also met) were the brains behind this project. We had often described this project in our presentations but never had the chance to visit, so we are really excited to be here. Duncan…

