Green-Tech Ecosystem is Making its Way in Indonesia: Green Tech Safari in Surabaya

Anindya Pratisamara
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2023

The Digital Grounds: #GreenTechSafari in Surabaya was successfully conducted on 2nd March 2023 in collaboration with The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency and GIZ Indonesia, ASEAN & Timor-Leste. The event consisted of several activities on various topics of “Building Green Tech Ecosystem in Indonesia”. The event was smoothly led by the beautiful MC, Sheila Sabika, known as the Ning Surabaya 2021. The main event was moderated by Eva Bachtiar (CEO and Founder of Garda Pangan) who successfully led the discussion on the topic of green-tech ecosystem development in Indonesia among various stakeholders.

Remarks from Andianto Haryoko, Siti Choiriana, Muhammad Fikser, and Atiek Puspa Fadhilah (Left to Right)

Before the session began, the event was officially opened with remarks from

  • Andianto Haryoko from the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Agency of the Republic of Indonesia mentioned further plans from Bappenas RI regarding the development of digital transformation and the metaverse in Indonesia
  • Muhammad Fikser from Dinas Informasi dan Komunikasi Kota Surabaya excitedly welcomed the audience and appreciated the program by mentioning how the technology has developed in Surabaya and how it is implemented on a daily basis
  • Siti Choiriana from PT Pos Indonesia mentioned the collaboration PT Pos Indonesia had done, such as making a digital hub and co-working space
  • Atiek Puspa Fadhilah from GIZ Indonesia, ASEAN & Timor-Leste encouragingly talked about the follow-up of the digital transformation development plan in Indonesia
Talk Show Session 1 with Tjut Silvana Devi (Left) and Fajar Kurniawan (Middle) moderated by Eva Bachtiar (Right)

Furthermore, the discussion started with presentations from Fajar Kurniawan (Social Investment Indonesia) and Tjut Silvana Devi (Masyarakat Energi Terbarukan Indonesia/METI) who discussed the current situation of the green tech ecosystem in Indonesia. In addition to the Q&A session, the participants focused on how the MSMEs can catch up with all the digitalization going on in the era and they also discussed the importance and urgency of MSMEs being digitalized.

Talk Show Session 2 with Mohammad Naufal (Left), Syukriyatun Niamah (Middle), and Nimas Pratiwi (Right)

The last session was also incredibly conducted to see many insightful overviews from the actors of green tech business in Indonesia, known as ecopreneurs. They are:

  • Syukriyatun Niamah (Founder & CEO of Robries) talked about how her concern about the remaining plastic bottle waste can be recycled and how she runs Robries the way it is now.
  • Nimas Pratiwi (Co-Founder & CTO of Warung Energi) shared how she went through a miracle while hitting the rock bottom and felt like she had no direction in life while running Warung Energi
  • Mohammad Naufal (Founder & CEO of Carbon Addons) talked about how he created a startup that focused on creating sustainable solutions for the environment and society out of his passion for the circular economy, community development, and renewable energy

They actively spoke up about their struggles and milestones as ecopreneurs in Indonesia. They also shared their tips and tricks on having to run your businesses while still keeping an eye on the environment.

Networking Session at the Startup Exhibition

On the side of the talk show, Green Tech Safari provided an exhibition for startups located in Surabaya, Sidoarjo, and Malang. A total of eleven startups participated in the exhibition and all the participants could visit the exhibition while connecting with each other. The exhibition was an impressive showcase of cutting-edge technology and sustainable solutions, with participants showcasing everything from renewable energy to eco-friendly products. Visitors were able to interact with the ecopreneurs, ask questions, and learn more about their businesses. The networking session that followed provided an excellent opportunity for participants to deepen their connections and explore potential collaborations. During the lunch session, Andianto Haryoko and Atiek Puspa Fadhilah provided brief remarks that highlighted the importance of sustainable development and the crucial role that startups can play in shaping a better future for our nation.

In addition, the discussion surrounding green tech in Indonesia is crucial for the future of the country’s environment and economy and it is not just about protecting the environment, but it also has the potential to create economic opportunities and drive innovation. By fostering a wider ecosystem and community for green tech, Indonesia can position itself as a leader in sustainable development and attract investors and businesses that prioritize environmental stewardship.

We believe that the insights gained from this discussion will be valuable in creating a more robust and collaborative community of green tech innovators and advocates in Indonesia. Ultimately, this will lead to more sustainable and resilient communities, economic growth, and a healthier planet for future generations.

#GreenTechSafari #GreenTechTour #TransformasiDigital #GreenEconomyIndonesia



Anindya Pratisamara
Writer for

A marketing communication intern at Ecoxyztem who likes funny stuff and sometimes some serious ones