Part II: MLOps for Increased Reliability in Generative AI

GlobalLogic UK&I
GlobalLogic UK&I
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2023

Making LLMs safe at any speed


Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) has made remarkable strides in recent years, enabling machines to generate human-like text, images, and even music. However, the stochastic nature of GenAI models has raised significant concerns about reliability.

As GenAI becomes increasingly prevalent across various industries, the need for reliability and compliance with regulation becomes paramount.

In this article, we discuss some of the emerging regulatory and compliance issues raised about GenAI in the industry, and delve into how the implementation of MLOps strategies for the productionisation of Large Language Models (LLMs), can measurably enhance the reliability and compliance of GenAI systems. Additionally, we explore how increased reliability in GenAI can open new opportunities for accelerating business opportunities.

The Reliability Challenge of GenAI

Generative AI, including some of the leading LLMs like GPT, BARD, Cohere, PaLM, and Claude, rely on a stochastic process that generates outputs based on learned patterns from vast datasets.

While this stochastic nature allows for creative and human-like outputs, it can lead to unpredictable results. This unpredictability is a double-edged sword, as it can result in generating incorrect, biased, or inappropriate content, raising ethical, legal, and reputational concerns.

Moreover, the behavior of GenAI models can change with slight variations in input prompts, making it challenging to ensure consistent and reliable outputs. For industries that require precision, consistency, and compliance with regulations, these challenges can be particularly daunting.

Regulatory and Compliance Issues in the Age of GenAI

The advent of GenAI has ushered in a new era of technological capabilities, but it has also brought forth a myriad of regulatory and compliance challenges, with profound ethical and legal concerns across various industries. One of the most pressing issues is the inadvertent generation of biased or discriminatory content, which poses significant ethical dilemmas and potential legal ramifications. Furthermore, industries that rely on intellectual property rights, such as copyright and patents, find themselves grappling with questions about ownership and infringement as GenAI becomes a tool for content creation.

In highly regulated sectors like healthcare and finance, the deployment of GenAI introduces a layer of complexity, as ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations becomes paramount. Additionally, the black-box nature of many GenAI models makes it challenging to provide the transparency and accountability that some regulatory frameworks demand. How did the decision get made?

These concerns are amplified by the fact that GenAI often operates in a dynamic and stochastic manner, making it difficult to predict or control its outputs consistently. As a result, regulatory bodies and policymakers are faced with the formidable task of adapting existing regulations or crafting new ones to govern the use of GenAI across diverse sectors while striking a delicate balance between innovation and safeguarding against potential harms.

As GenAI continues to evolve and infiltrate various industries, regulatory and compliance issues are on the rise. Several key concerns include:

  • Ethical and Bias Concerns: GenAI models may inadvertently generate biased or discriminatory content, leading to ethical dilemmas and potential lawsuits.
  • Intellectual Property: The use of GenAI for content creation can raise issues surrounding copyright and intellectual property rights.
  • Healthcare and Finance: In highly regulated industries like healthcare and finance, ensuring compliance with industry-specific regulations becomes crucial. GenAI’s stochastic nature can make this compliance challenging.
  • Transparency: Many regulations require transparency and accountability in AI systems. GenAI’s black-box nature can hinder efforts to explain its decision-making processes.

LLMOps: Enhancing Reliability and Compliance

To address the challenges of reliability and compliance in GenAI, the implementation of MLOps strategies tailored for LLMs, often referred to as LLMOps, is essential. Here are some key ways LLMOps can improve the reliability of GenAI systems:

  • Continuous Monitoring: LLMOps involves continuous monitoring of GenAI models in production. This ensures that any deviations or anomalies in output can be detected and addressed promptly, reducing the risk of generating unreliable content.
  • Data Validation and Bias Mitigation: LLMOps can include data validation processes to identify and mitigate biases in training data, making GenAI outputs more ethical and compliant with regulations.
  • Model Versioning and Rollback: LLMOps allows for versioning and easy rollback of GenAI models. This is crucial for maintaining consistency and compliance as newer versions are deployed.
  • Explainability and Auditing: LLMOps frameworks can incorporate tools for explainability and auditing, helping organizations meet regulatory requirements by providing insights into model behavior.
  • Automated Testing: Automation in testing and validation of GenAI models ensures that they consistently produce reliable and compliant outputs.

Accelerating Business Applications

Enhanced reliability in GenAI through LLMOps opens up exciting opportunities for businesses:

  • Content Generation: Industries such as marketing, media, and e-commerce can benefit from reliable GenAI content generation for marketing materials, product descriptions, and more.
  • Customer Support: GenAI-powered chatbots can provide more reliable and consistent customer support, improving user experiences.
  • Research and Development: In fields like pharmaceuticals and materials science, reliable GenAI can accelerate research by generating hypotheses and insights more efficiently.
  • Personalization: Reliable GenAI can power personalized recommendations in e-commerce, content streaming, and online advertising, boosting user engagement and revenue.


The rise of GenAI has brought about immense potential but also considerable challenges concerning reliability and compliance. To harness the benefits of GenAI while addressing these challenges, implementing LLMOps is crucial. LLMOps strategies can enhance the reliability of GenAI systems, making them more compliant with regulations and enabling new opportunities for businesses in various industries. As we navigate the evolving landscape of GenAI, prioritizing reliability through LLMOps will be instrumental in shaping the future of AI-driven applications.

Author: Babak Takand

One of our original multidisciplinary consultants, with a deep background in research and academia, he holds an MPhil in Operations Research and an MSc in Computer Science. Over the years, Babak has architected and implemented many data-driven solutions for mission critical applications in both oil & gas and the financial services industries.

