3 Key Takeaways From “The Power Of Myth” That Apply to Sales Coaching

Will Kloefkorn
Ecsell Institute
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2018

Book #21/25: The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell

If I am completely honest, half of the dialogue in The Power of Myth went over my head, but that did not make the book any less enjoyable or meaningful. I felt like I was in college again learning about Greek Mythology; the subject matter was extremely interesting, but I struggled to not get lost in the different stories and unique vernacular. Joseph Campbell is a very deep and thoughtful individual and he has wisdom that every individual can learn from and incorporate in their daily lives.

This book made me smile because it reminded me of my late grandfather. He was the state poet of Nebraska and unequivocally the smartest and most thoughtful person I’ve ever known. At one point, in this interview here, my grandfather talks about why traditions, rituals, and mythology are important in our lives. Simply put, it is important for us all to remember that there have been many others before us, and many others amongst us, who have suffered.

Suffering is part of the human condition and we are not alone in our suffering. Once we come to this realization and withdraw our resistance to suffering, we can begin to live full and meaningful lives that are rooted in the now. We all must carve out our own individual path in life, but we are all inextricably linked as one in this human experience.

3 takeaways from “The Power of Myth” that apply to Sales Coaching

  1. You don’t know — The coach that thinks he knows, doesn’t know. And the coach that admits how little he knows is the one who knows. Said another way by the late John Wooden, “the best learning takes place after I know it all”. Continuous learning is the path to be an exceptional coach.
  2. Meditate — In today’s world of constant attachment and 24/7 news cycles it is absolutely necessary for coaches to find 30 minutes each day to spend in silence with themselves. If you commit to this best practice, not only will you be happier and have more energy, you will also find more creative paths to help those on your team achieve more success.
  3. Follow your bliss — Do you really want to be a coach? Does it capture your passion, your body, and your soul? Or is it simply a position and a paycheck that life circumstances threw your way? If coaching does capture you, stay with it and continue following your bliss each day impacting the lives of those on your teams. If not, take some time to reflect on your personal and professional life to define what truly makes you happy. For years Gallup has reported that roughly 70% of the workforce is disengaged — 7/10 people are not following their bliss.

Toward the end of the book, Campbell talks about the idea that it’s not the destination that counts, it’s the journey. I believe that being intentional about this simple truth is a key to ongoing happiness and fulfillment in our lives.

When “bad” things happen in our lives it is easy to get distracted from our wonderful journey, but the truth is that contrast is an amazing thing because it allows us to more accurately define what we want on our personal journey, also it’s the tough times that make the great times so satisfying. Every single person is the designer of their own reality and the mindset we choose dictates how incredible your human experience will be.

For more sales takeaways check out EcSell’s upcoming Sales Coaching Academy which will provide you with the foundation to become a world-class sales coach, and perhaps an opportunity for you to follow your bliss.

Click to register

Next Review: Principles by Ray Dalio

In his attempt to help individuals escape “The Matrix”, Tom Bilyeu, founder of Impact Theory, has a reading list of 25 books which he recommends that everyone read to better understand how they can unlock their potential. I have decided to dedicate myself to reading a book per week for the next 25 weeks, and to review each book antidotally with application to coaching. Let’s enjoy the journey together!

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Will Kloefkorn
Ecsell Institute

VP of Sales at EcSell Institute, Keynote Speaker, Avid Meditator & Mental Health Junkie. Father of two and enjoying every minute of it.