Gleren Meneghin, Designer, Adobe

Interview February 27th, 2019

Charlotte Vard
2 min readMay 13, 2019


Gleren Meneghin is a French designer at Adobe, currently working on the Adobe XD software. We met him in the Adobe offices in New-York where he gave us insights on his work and what it is like to design for designers. Gleren took the time to share his backgrounds before working at Adobe and then explained to us the problematics behind Adobe XD design and development. He went through the specific features of the software and how it was meant to be different and more intuitive than the rest of the Creative Suite. After his talk and a quick interview, we went on a tour of the offices and discovered how efficiency was improved.

It was inspiring to meet Gleren and we felt privileged to go behind the scenes at the company where are designed our everyday tools.

Gleren Meneghin
Twitter: glerenmeneghin
Instagram: glerenmeneghin

By Charlotte Vard & Adrien Godin
February 27th, 2019. 1540 Broadway, New York City.

