Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Ann Hawkins
‘ED (Not quite TED) Talks
2 min readFeb 5, 2021

Do you recycle?

What about actively reducing and reusing plastic products?

THE UK INITIATIVE FOR PLASTIC WASTE REDUCTION has the objective to work towards all plastic packaging being recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025 with a target of eliminating all avoidable plastic waste by the end of 2042.

You can see the slides in more detail here > Reduce, Recycle, Reuse PDF

Eddie Stableford had a revelation when leaving a street fair a couple of years ago. Seeing waste bins overflowing with food cartons he decided there had to be a better way to deal with the waste and that he wanted to be part of the solution.

Using his knowledge and many years experience of the food industry, Eddie founded Street Food Box Ltd in Feb 2020 and is actively involved in helping the industry change and adopt better habits.

The UK Plastics Pact is a trailblazing, collaborative initiative that will create a circular economy for plastics bringing together businesses from across the entire plastics value chain with UK governments and NGOs to tackle the scourge of plastic waste.


If you’d like to share your talent, passion or fun topic, get in touch with Ann Hawkins

Topics people have shared in this fun version of the iconic TED Talks:
Rust, being hilarious, ethical non-monogamy, puppets, the Middle East, YouTubers, synaesthesia, street art, recycling, Japanese loos, Makaton, the hero’s journey, homesteading, hacking, men with beards, neurodivergence, dying well, magic, music, cartooning, writing novels, failing at being a rock star, being a legal alien, unnecessary puntuation and how to use humour in storytelling.



Ann Hawkins
‘ED (Not quite TED) Talks

Blogging since 2005, this space is for things not directly connected to my businesses. Art, world events, jazz, gardening, and amazing people doing great things