Don’t Get Schooled: Get Educated

Mind Wanderer
Ed-Tech Talks
Published in
9 min readAug 7, 2022


School is Not a Synonym for Education

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Our culture is obsessed with “education”.

In so many societies around the world, the script is the same: go to school, get good grades, go to university, and get a good job.

We place so much value on being “highly educated”.

But what does that even mean?

For many, it’s simple: work hard in school, get good grades, go to university and get a degree.

Why? Is this the true meaning of education?

Unfortunately, this preoccupation with being “highly educated” doesn’t have much to do with education at all. It’s more about wanting to look educated than wanting to be educated.

I’ve always had problems with school.

The whole thing just seemed “fake” to me.

What we were taught wasn’t useful for the real world.

What was useful for the real world we weren’t taught.

What we learned wasn’t for our education. It was simply to pass exams.

In fact, I cringe whenever I hear the word “education” used interchangeably with “school”.

Because school is an old-fashioned system of snobbery, designed to increase your value on paper, and not as a…



Mind Wanderer
Ed-Tech Talks

Sharing my thoughts and experiences to help people improve their lives and find deeper meaning.