The Babbling Redhead
3 min readApr 18, 2022

Learning to Forgive, Even When No Apology is Given

In life, we have all found ourselves where we have been talked about, judged, or even done wrong for no reason. No matter how nice or welcoming you are, you are not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. THAT’S OKAY.

It took me some time to realize that if I tried to make every single person like me in my lifetime I would end up making myself miserable. I’ve attempted to have a positive mindset towards those specific situations, but being a woman with a big heart, I would question, “Why would someone do that?”

As you continue to evolve you will hear comments filled with jealousy or negativity about the way you are living. I’ve heard judgment about others’ successes rather than being happy for them. How dare we not CLAP for the people that are doing well in their life, not knowing what it took for them to get there. We try to prove ourselves instead of seeing our worth. We cling on to the acceptance of others to feel accomplished. I’ve slowly learned you will never be able to be truly happy by trying to satisfy others through the decisions you make.

If you fall in that hole, speaking upon what they did, how does it resolve? We are feeding flames into the fire that could have never been started. It’s hard to go through the temptation of not standing up for yourself. Not speaking on their name, just because they did the same to you. Doing the right thing is hard but if it was easy we would all do it. You have to find peace in the midst, but peace will not be given by proving yourself, Peace is within Him. That’s why instead of falling into the temptation, I forgive.

Even when no apology is given, I forgive. I forgive the people that have shamed my name, my life decisions, or done me wrong. I forgive because if I hold on to those negative thoughts developing into resentment then how does that make me any better? I forgive because the ONE true opinion that matters is the one who’s writing my story. I forgive because I want to be more like Him. He forgives me even when I don’t deserve it. He forgives me when I fall short by making misleading decisions. He accepts me even when sometimes I don’t accept myself.

So, clap for yourself when you achieve that goal, take that leap, or start something new. At the end of the day, there’s only one person that can turn resentment into forgiveness. If you ever find yourself doubting the decisions you make due to your name being shamed, find Grace. In all the midst of negativity that you feel, find His Grace. Forgiving someone isn’t always easy, but learning to forgive when no apology is given makes us better.

Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all.

– Romans 12:17

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

The Babbling Redhead

Lover of education by day, optimistic writer by night. I enjoy turning my expressive thoughts into detailed topics. Blog: