The Generation Gap

Peter Murphy
Ed-Tech Talks
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2022


When children are out-learning their parents because they are embracing the technological age of education.

The technology generation gap between children and adults, parents and children, and even pupils and teachers is one that can grow and expand very easily, and alarmingly quickly. Younger people will use technology faster and naturally; older people may struggle to keep up. Accessing learning and education has never been easier using technology, and is constantly improving from the quantitative and qualitative points of view.

Intuitive interface with technology is a powerful enabling tool in the educational environment. (Image Credits: Fauxels on Pexels)

I can remember a time when there was a very clear hierarchy attached to learning and the ability to apply knowledge. It was relatively simple. Younger people knew less and older people knew more. It was largely based on the perception that you could only know things and acquire knowledge through time and experience. Accessing information and knowledge was not always easy, and education was seen as a specific activity and field.

Think back to when you were a kid. Your parents and pretty much every adult around you seemed to know everything. There was no limit to what they could do, achieve and create. They could find an answer to any question and always had the right to decline to answer or change the subject, without explanation. Of course, as you grew up, you also caught up, in terms of knowledge, and acquired, lived experiences…



Peter Murphy
Ed-Tech Talks

Always interested in anything interesting. I like to travel, read, listen & write.