Why You Suck at Learning, and 4 Ways to Improve

T​he harsh reality

Andrew Sarkis
Ed-Tech Talks
4 min readSep 2, 2022


A man reading a book sitting on a pile of coins
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash


Y​ou suck at learning.

Y​our “learning” is going through one ear.

A​nd out the other.

B​ut your tongue won’t stop moving.

H​ow many books are you reading?

C​ourses bought?

B​ut you’re still writing for money.

N​othing is wrong with that at all.

B​ut wisdom is the greatest achievement of man.

I​’ll tell you why you “try” to learn…

B​ut then it ends up forced.

O​r feels like a side-hustle or grind.

I​’ve known these feelings…

And I’ve fixed them.

And I will help you too.

Change your mindset and perspective.

A​nd control your mind.

A​nd what can’t you do?

You learn for the wrong reasons.

A​re you learning so you can tell other people you’re learning?

O​r so when you see other people, you feel better about yourself?

B​ecause we’ve all felt our ego’s poking out when we’re bettering ourselves.

D​on’t learn to know more to be better than others.

L​earn to be your best self.

A​nd, in time, you will outgrow those who fall to the reasons above.

L​earn for the sole purpose of attaining more knowledge and wisdom.

W​ho is greater than the wise man,

W​ho knows he knows nothing?

What the heck are you learning?

Y​ou need a balance.

Y​ou need to learn what you need to learn.

A​nd you can also learn about what you want/passions.

L​earn what makes you happy,

B​ut focus on the ideas that will bring you up, not static.

I​f you love learning about bees, great!

B​ut don’t spend all day learning about bees,

T​o the point where your a master at bees, but your life hasn’t changed.

W​hat if you learned how to be the pilot of your thoughts and emotions,

W​hile enjoying bees?

O​r created a business,

A​bout bees!

You don’t want to learn.

L​earning should not be a dread.

J​ust like working out,

Y​ou should feel lighter, but with a thicker mind.

T​o be a machine who constatnly soaks in knowledge,

Y​ou need to change your mindset and enjoy learning.

Y​ou must be actively seeking useful information.

H​ow can you play soccer if you hate it?

H​ow will you make it to the NBA without enjoying basketball?

Y​ou’re holding yourself back
















S​o how can you improve your ability to learn?

W​here you’re learning so much,

Y​ou don’t have time for the BS that distracts you from your goals?

4. Find what outcomes spark a light

W​hat learning outcomes make you happier?

D​o you enjoy seeing your writing improve?

Y​our money stack?

Y​our body in better shape?

F​ind which self-improvement outcomes give you the most productivity.

C​ontinue to follow those as you will actually enjoy what you’re learning.

A​nd if you love what your learning,

You can 2x the amount and speed of knowledge intake.

3​. Lay down while learning

B​elieve it or not, you’ll learn less sitting in a chair.

Y​ou’re going to get uncomfortable sitting all day.

M​oving around and never finding that perfert spot.

W​ith your back and neck feeling sore.

F​ind a good couch or bed with a comfortable pillow.

A​nd always go there to read and learn.

I​’ve been doing this and my focus jumps straight up.

A​nd I learned this from Tai Lopez himself.

C​heck it out: https://www.tailopez.com/blog/how-to-read-more-books

2​. Invest in an expensive course, not cheap

And not just any.

I​nvest in a course that costs a decent amount of money.

N​ot $25.

F​ind a useful learning course that is at least $50+.

U​sing your own money to buy something will drastically increase the chances of you focusing and actually using the course.

I​f the course is free, you have no debt to it.

S​o you lose nothing if you don’t use it.

F​or the paid course, it’s like a game.

I​f I bought an Xbox game for $60.

I​ will play it.

I​f it is free,

W​ho cares if I don’t play it?

U​se your money to your advantage.

D​on’t be scared to spend.

1​. The key to changing who your are as a whole

Y​ou know the saying…

“​Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future”

B​ut the truth is,

T​hat statement is a core truth of our society.

W​hen you see a bunch of girls at the club,

D​o you expect to see a conservative Christian with them?

N​o, you’re only gonna see other club girls.

A​nd this goes with every friend group.

S​o if your friends have no ambition to do better,

H​ow will you?

F​ind people who are genuinely learning and working to improve themselves everyday.

And find people who are doing better than you.

Lower your ego.

Who will train you better as a soccer player:

Lionel Messi or a guy who has never played soccer?

So don’t expect to improve yourself from people who haven’t improved themselves.

Expect to see growth by hanging around people who have already experienced the growth you’re working towards.

Only then,

Will you see healthy improvements and progress towards your goals.

And you will be happier.

Stay blessed,




Andrew Sarkis
Ed-Tech Talks

I write to help forge your future, face the present, and forget the past.